Special issues cover highlights on OPSI work on H2020
1 Special issue n 10 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issues covers highlights on OPSI work on H2020
1 Special issue n 6 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issue covers highlights on OPSI work on H2020
1 Country-to-country peer exchanges and diffusion of learnings activityThis is about disseminating the results of pilot bootcamps developed in D43 This activity focuses on leveraging existing platform and innovative sharing format for enabling regular structured online and offline exchanges among innovators on their experiences projects This activity will be conducted in collaboration with and building on existing knowledge exchange platforms such as Apolitical which brings deep expertise in policy writing and digital design to offer insights to and engaging experiences among policymakers in formats that are digestible engaging and personalised
3 Practice-led sense making activities/ workshopsConduct three practiceled sensemaking activity for the portfolio assessment tool This would involve conducting a series of 3 workshops to test the innovation assessment tool in a range of reallife contexts The workshops will be hosted by member countries and organised by OPSI in collaboration with expert organisations such as the Danish Design Center and the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose IIPP at the University College London They will involve participation of peers from OECDEU member countries
1 Special issue n 1 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievements, activities and impactsSpecial issues covers highlights on the OPSI work on H2020
6 Webinars (year 1)A set of 6 webinars to test components modules of innovation curricula with international practitioners.
1 conference end of year 11 Special issue n 7 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impact
Special issues cover highlights on OPSI work on H2020
1 conference end of year 21 Special issue n 2 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impact
Special issues cover highlights on OPSI work on H2020
3 Pilot action research projects using the OPSI Incubator modelThis consists of accompanying project implementation through OECD and peer advisory support and documenting progress using the innovation facets model as a framework Advisory support would consist in bringing peer experts andor labs to contribute to problem exploration identification of portfolio of solutions and designing possible interventions For each pilot an innovation bootcamp will be organised in addition to continuous support during the development of the project
2 Meetings of the International Advisory Group (year 1)Two meetings of the international expert advisory group. These meetings will perform a comparative review of the innovation facets model and workshops. Advisory group of international experts meeting twice a year to review results and discuss challenges related to the implementation of the portfolio assessment tool.
3 Curated Sections of the Toolkit NavigatorCuration of three sections of the Toolkit Navigator design behavioural insights etc based on the innovation facets model
1 Special issue n 11 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issues covers highlights on OPSI work on H2020
2 Meetings of the International Expert Advisory Group (year 2)Two meetings of the international expert advisory group These meetings will perform a comparative review of the innovation facets model and workshops Advisory group of international experts meeting twice a year to review results and discuss challenges related to the implementation of the portfolio assessment tool
6 webinars (year 2)A set of 6 webinars to test components modules of innovation curricula with international practitioners
1 Special double issue n 4 -5 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issues cover highlights on OPSI work on H2020. This is a double issue (covering July-Aug and Sept-Oct)
1 Special issue n 12 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issues highlights OPSI work on H2020
1 Special issue n 3 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issues cover highlights on OPSI work on H2020
1 Special issue n 9 of OPSI Newsletter on project achievement, activities and impactSpecial issues cover highlights on OPSI work on H2020
1 Practice-led sense making activity/workshopConduct one practice-led sense-making activities for the portfolio assessment tool. This activity is a first of a series of workshops in different countries to test the innovation assessment tool in a range of real-life contexts. The workshops will be hosted by member countries and organised by OPSI in collaboration with expert organisations such as the Danish Design Center and the Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) at the University College London. They will involve participation of peers from OECD-EU member countries.
One user review of at least 30 toolkits user generated based on the innovation facets model
1 Dedicated project space for H2020 projects on OPSI platformDedicated project pages for H2020 projects on the OPSI website, which overviews the projects, highlights the artefacts created in relation to them, and collates communication material associated with them
1 Curated Section of the Toolkit NavigatorCuration of one section of the Toolkit Navigator (design, behavioural insights, etc.), based on the innovation facets model.
1 completed user review for at least 30 ToolkitsOne user review of at least 30 toolkits (user generated) based on the innovation facets model
1 Peer-led online communities on facets dimensionsCreate a peer-led community to exchange around public sector innovation implementation challenges, based on the four dimensions of the facets model. This deliverables will focus on structuring and organising each expert community composed by government officials and facet experts; develop online tolls for exchange and a thematic space in the OPSI platform.
3 Peer-led online communities on facets dimensionsCreate 3 peerled community to exchange around public sector innovation implementation challenges based on the four dimensions of the facets model This deliverables will focus on structuring and organising each expert community composed by government officials and facet experts develop online tolls for exchange and a thematic space in the OPSI platform
1 Online Community of Practice on methods and toolsOne online community of practice on methods and tools of innovation to facilitate expertbased peertopeer learning
Digital content production of 6 thought leadership pieces opinion pieces interviews and webinars to explore the ideas underpinning H2020 and associated ad hoc content marketing campaign
1 Innovation Incubator ModelTogether with the peercommunity develop an OPSI Incubator model as onsite and offsite support mechanisms for realproject in governments at different development stage eg kick start prototyping acceleration evaluation
A plan for strategic dissemination and communicationThe plan provides an integrated and detailed outline of objective, actions and tools used to disseminate and communicate on the project, as well as coordination measures to involve stakeholders and increase visibility at the international level
1 Guide on How to use the Toolkit NavigatorOne guide on how to use guide of the Toolkit Navigator
Portfolio Assessment ToolThis consists of developing an online and offline diagnostic tool that can be used in an expert-led context to ascertain and evaluate innovation portfolios and the strategies connected to each facet.
Final reportOne report on the new public sector innovation theory based on empiricsled research on the importance of different innovation facets
6 thought leadership articles (year 1)Digital content production of 6 thought leadership pieces/ opinion pieces/ interviews and webinars to explore the ideas underpinning H2020 and associated ad hoc content marketing campaign
1 Train the trainer Guidebook on facet model workshopA train-the-trainer guidebook on how to self-organise and run a workshop on the innovation facets model and deliver on systemic change.
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