CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics


Ethisches Social Mining und verantwortungsvolle Big-Data-Analysen

Im Jahr 2015 wollte das EU-finanzierte Projekt SoBigData eine Forschungsinfrastruktur schaffen, die ein ganzheitliches System für fortgeschrittene Anwendungen wie Social Mining – die Datengewinnung aus sozialen Medien – und Big-Data-Analysen bereitstellt. Um zu untersuchen, wie komplex diese Datengewinnung und Analysen sind, wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt SoBigData-PlusPlus nun eine verteilte, europaweite multidisziplinäre Forschungsinfrastruktur errichten. Das Vorhaben wird mit der Konsolidierung einer interdisziplinären europäischen Forschungsgemeinschaft einhergehen. Durch die Einrichtung einer offenen Plattform, die der Konzeption und Durchführung großangelegter Social-Mining-Versuche dient, wird das Projekt die Infrastrukturwerkzeuge und -leistungen ausbauen. Es wird konkrete Instrumente entwickeln, welche Ethik mit einem wertorientierten Design verbinden, das auf Werte wie den Schutz der Privatsphäre, Transparenz und Pluralismus achtet.


SoBigData++ strives to deliver a distributed, Pan-European, multi-disciplinary research infrastructure for big social data analytics, coupled with the consolidation of a cross-disciplinary European research community, aimed at using social mining and big data to understand the complexity of our contemporary, globally-interconnected society. SoBigData++ is set to advance on such ambitious tasks thanks to SoBigData, the predecessor project that started this construction in 2015. Becoming an advanced community, SoBigData++ will strengthen its tools and services to empower researchers and innovators through a platform for the design and execution of large-scale social mining experiments. It will be open to users with diverse background, accessible on project cloud (aligned with EOSC) and also exploiting supercomputing facilities. Pushing the FAIR principles further, SoBigData++ will render social mining experiments more easily designed, adjusted and repeatable by domain experts that are not data scientists. SoBigData++ will move forward from a starting community of pioneers to a wide and diverse scientific movement, capable of empowering the next generation of responsible social data scientists, engaged in the grand societal challenges laid out in its exploratories: Societal Debates and Online Misinformation, Sustainable Cities for Citizens, Demography, Economics & Finance 2.0 Migration Studies, Sport Data Science, Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Explainable Machine Learning. SoBigData++ will advance from the awareness of ethical and legal challenges to concrete tools that operationalise ethics with value-sensitive design, incorporating values and norms for privacy protection, fairness, transparency and pluralism. SoBigData++ will deliver an accelerator of data-driven innovation that facilitates the collaboration with industry to develop joint pilot projects, and will consolidate an RI ready for the ESFRI Roadmap and sustained by a SoBigData Association.

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€ 1 768 000,00
00185 Roma

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Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Research Organisations
€ 1 768 000,00

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