CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European network for developing new horizons for RIs


Russische Megawissenschaftsprojekte voranbringen

Im Jahr 2018 wurde ein europäisch-russisches Abkommen für engere Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der Forschungsinfrastrukturen im großen Maßstab in Form des Projekts CREMLIN genehmigt, das durch das EU-Forschungs- und -Innovationsprogramm Horizont 2020 finanziert wird. Für diesen Zweck wurde ein europäische und russische Laboratorien umfassendes Konsortium gegründet, um die technischen Details des Projekts festzulegen. Im Rahmen des EU-finanzierten Projekts CREMLINplus sollen die Rahmenbedingungen der europäisch-russischen Zusammenarbeit festgelegt werden. Dadurch werden die Verbesserung und Harmonisierung der Rahmenbedingungen auf zwei Arten sichergestellt. Die erste umfasst die technische Vorbereitung für die Entwicklung und Produktion neuartiger Spitzentechnologien für russische Megawissenschaftsprojekte und deren europäische Forschungs- und Innovationspartner. Die zweite ist die Vorbereitung der russischen Forschungsinfrastrukturen in 11 Laboratorien für den Zugang und die Nutzung auf internationaler Basis.


This EURIZON project proposal is about European scientific and technical collaboration in the field of research infrastructures (RIs), and it includes in addition a special focus on coordination and support measures dedicated to support Ukrainian scientists and Ukrainian RIs as well as strengthening the RI landscape in Widening Countries.
EURIZON is in fact the second part, or phase, of a four-year Horizon 2020 project that started in February 2020, under the name CREMLINplus. With the war against Ukraine that has begun in February 2022, the project was confronted with an absolutely extreme case of force majeure: the home country of 10 consortium participants – the Russian Federation – has invaded its neighbour country Ukraine, and has thus brought a devastating war into the heart of Europe. At the time when writing and submitting this proposal, the war is ongoing, and an end is not yet visible.
The second phase of the project will keep a very high ambition, and will go beyond the current state of the art of collaboration around RIs, that has been already achieved in the first phase.
The project will operate in two directions:
(1) Technology development: the project allows European collaborative excellent teams to develop and deliver finest, new cutting-edge technologies for European RI including ESFRI landmarks and for RI upgrade projects currently underway, such as 4th-generation synchrotron projects, or for the instrumentation at modern neutron sources;
(2) Strengthening RI landscape in Ukraine and in the Widening Countries: a number of coordination and support measures has been introduced in the second phase of the project to specifically support individual displaced scientists from Ukraine, to train RI staff at RI from Ukraine and Widening Countries, and to explore and develop science diplomacy measures dedicated to support the reconstruction of the Ukrainian RI landscape.
The 27 European participants of the project have come together to build the broad and balanced consortium. They are the relevant entities in the domain of research infrastructures in Europe, and thus provide the necessary strength, commitment and power to implement the project plan.

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€ 2 993 949,78

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