Descrizione del progetto
È in arrivo un trattamento semplice, non invasivo per una pericolosa cardiopatia
Il cuore è un sistema idraulico complesso a 4 camere composto da pompe e valvole. Generalmente, la valvola tricuspide tra l’atrio e il ventricolo di destra si apre, per consentire l’afflusso di sangue non ossigenato dall’atrio nel ventricolo. Quando il ventricolo destro si contrae per pompare il sangue nei polmoni per la riossigenazione, la valvola si chiude perfettamente per evitare il reflusso di sangue. Se la valvola è danneggiata, le conseguenze possono essere fatali. La grave disfunzione della valvola tricuspide è una condizione estremamente frequente, ciononostante è stata relativamente trascurata. Per cambiare la situazione, CVTVT ha sviluppato un dispositivo posizionabile in loco in modo non invasivo, che ripristina la funzionalità della valvola tricuspide. Le sperimentazioni cliniche e la commercializzazione offriranno ai pazienti questo semplice dispositivo salvavita.
"CroíValve is an innovative SME with the mission to lead the treatment of tricuspid valve disease and transform the lives of patients who currently face certain death.
In the US and EU, 550,000 patients present with tricuspid valve disease annually. Current treatment involves highly invasive, risky open-heart surgery and <1% receive this due to the risks involved. Recent clinical data is highlighting that the ""forgotten tricuspid valve"" must be treated.
CroíValve has developed a non-invasive device uniquely tailored to the challenges of the tricuspid valve. It is a small device that is delivered through a vein into the right heart, restoring the function of the tricuspid valve. Invented by a leading cardiologist, and refined by expert biomedical engineers, CroíValve’s is a non-surgical, safe, effective, easy to use solution for treating all patients with TR. It will transform patients’ lives, provide physicians a safe and straightforward treatment option and reduce the hospitalisations.
There is a significant market potential of > €2.5Bn/year. With H2020 SMEi funding, this Phase 2 Innovation Proposal will support the activities necessary to complete clinical trials and demonstrate safety and efficacy for CE Mark approval. Securing this grant, alongside private funding, will enable the company to expand its manufacturing capabilities, build up its sales and marketing infrastructure. CroíValve’s management team have a successful track record in the development, patenting and commercialisation of medical devices who can position the company as a leader in the treatment of tricuspid valve disease."
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Coordinatore
D01 Y0E7 Dublin
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