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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Hydrodynamic electronics


Neue Forschung über die Bewegung von Fluiden

Die Entstehung hydrodynamischer Elektronik zeigt sich im nicht-lokalen, superballistischen und turbulenten Transport von Energie und elektrischer Ladung. Es besteht ein zunehmendes Interesse an den hydrodynamischen Effekten von wechselwirkenden Elektronensystemen in hochreinen Werkstoffen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HYDROTRONICS wird ein Rahmenwerk erstellen, um die hydrodynamische Ladung und den Energietransport, abgestimmt auf die Eigenschaften der Werkstoffe und die Probengeometrie, zu beschreiben. Außerdem wird die Physik neuartiger Werkstoffe untersucht, die durch Transportmessungen ermittelt werden kann. Ein Ziel des Projekts ist es, dass junge Forschende den Lösungsweg für die großen Probleme in diesem Bereich ermitteln. Ein weiteres Ziel besteht darin, den Fortschritt voranzubringen, indem eine engere Verknüpfung zwischen experimentellen, theoretischen und computergestützten Bereichen des Netzwerks gefördert wird.


Advances in fabrication of ultra-pure low-dimensional materials have led in recent years to the emergence of a new area of research -- hydrodynamic electronics. Modern technologies allow for routine manufacturing of ultra-clean samples where observable physical properties are dominated by electron-electron collisions. Electrons in such systems obey the laws of hydrodynamics, which manifests itself in non-local, superballistic, and turbulent transport of energy and electric charge. Following the immense success of graphene research, many novel two-dimensional materials are currently being investigated aiming at potential applications in nanoelectronics, as well as energy conversion and storage. Last years have seen an explosion of interest, both experimental and theoretical, in the hydrodynamic effects in interacting electron systems in ultra-pure materials. The principle aims of HYDROTRONICS are (i) to build a framework to describe hydrodynamic charge and energy transport fine-tuned to the material properties and sample geometry, and (ii) to investigate the physics of novel materials that can be uncovered by transport measurements. Combining the microscopic and macroscopic methods to interacting electronic systems will allow for a unique perspective and yield a powerful approach to transport phenomena that can be easily adapted to new materials and experimental settings, as they become accessible in the course of rapid technological progress. Strong collaboration between the groups involved in the project and its overall synergy will allow novel ideas to flourish, promoting a fertile environment in which early-stage researchers can develop their own paths and resolve the biggest issues in the field. Another important goal is a closer integration between the experimental, theoretical, and computational (software development) parts of the network, which will be an important element exposing practitioners in each area to cutting edge progress in the others.


€ 110 400,00
76131 Karlsruhe

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Baden-Württemberg Karlsruhe Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 124 200,00

Beteiligte (6)

Partner (2)