Descrizione del progetto
Migliorare l’efficienza del riciclaggio e del commercio di metalli
Il processo di produzione dei metalli influisce negativamente sull’ambiente: i rifiuti derivanti dai soli processi estrattivi rappresentano uno dei maggiori flussi di rifiuti nell’UE. Il processo rappresenta anche il 7 % del consumo globale di energia, contribuendo in modo significativo alle emissioni di carbonio. Il progetto Schrott24, finanziato dall’UE, fornirà un mercato online intelligente che digitalizza e automatizza gran parte dell’industria per rottami metallici e metalli riciclati. Il progetto contribuisce ad abbinare acquirenti e venditori per ottimizzare i risultati per entrambe le parti, allineando il mercato europeo dello scambio di rottami con il mercato unico digitale. Grazie al suo utilizzo, l’industria europea del riciclaggio dei metalli potrebbe contribuire a costruire un futuro sostenibile per l’UE.
The production of primary raw materials, such as metals, requires widespread and large-scale mining. This involves heavy
processes and chemicals with harsh labour conditions, substantial transport and pollution emissions. Waste from extractive
processes is one of the largest waste streams in the EU (727 million tonnes p.a.) with certain fractions containing high
concentrations of toxic substances including heavy metals. The mining and processing of virgin materials is a leading cause
of deforestation and requires huge amounts of energy and water. Furthermore, these processes account for 7% of global
energy consumption and contribute substantially to carbon emissions. The widespread use of secondary (recycled) raw
materials is crucial to addressing this global challenge.
The European metal recycling industry has the potential to be a major contributor to a sustainable future for the EU.
However, it is outdated, offline, and inefficient, leading to low recycling rates even for valuable commodities. The Schrott24
Platform is an intelligent online marketplace that digitises and automates large parts of the industry for scrap metal and
recycled metals. It dynamically matches buyers and sellers to optimise outcomes for both parties, aligning the European
scrap trading market with the digital single market.
We use advanced pricing and matching algorithms, matching the seller of a certain metal scrap, with a certain logistics need,
with the most efficient recycling solution. This can be a local scrap yard for a small electrician with 500kg of copper cable
waste, or a specialized aluminium smelter that is in need of a specific alloy in the yard of a scrap dealer unknown to them.
With the integration of transport service providers, they are not only matched, but we can facilitate the whole process, to
ensure the fulfilment of the clients’ needs. Schrott24 is disrupting the industry, allowing it to deliver a sustainable, circular
economy for raw materials in the EU.
Campo scientifico
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringwaste managementwaste treatment processesrecycling
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementcommercee-commerce
- natural scienceschemical sciencesinorganic chemistrypost-transition metals
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectrical engineering
- social scienceseconomics and businesseconomicssustainable economy
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8020 GRAZ
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