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The feedback will be recorded in the meeting minutes and will include the Executive Board assessments on the project activities and requests of actions to better meet program region needs of national and transnational area of influence of the BOWI Project Steering Committee feedback will be incorporated into the annual project reports
Services 2.0It will be a summary of technical entrepreneurial IP and training services provided during the 2nd round of TTP
Overall Report.Report including all of the Open Call Evaluation Reports
Services 1.0It will be a summary of technical entrepreneurial IP and training services provided during the 1st round of TTP
Communication planThe communication plan will include detailed project dissemination strategies and actions needed to achieve and amplify the project impact by promoting communication of the project results. The communication plan will state the measures to be taken by the project partners and ensure these measures comply with international regulations and ethics.
Specific plan for collaborationThe specific plan for collaboration will include the description of activates that will be implemented during the project.
Description of the Membership modelIncludes an assessment of the market opportunities and types of membership
Blended finance roadmapIncludes descriptions of the opportunities and approaches to connect as well as descriptions for structural collaboration
Coaching programme for DIHs 1.0Coaching programme for DIHs 10 will identify the areas of collaboration and joint goals of DIHs the progress of collaboration and the Corridor Action Plans implemented It will also include the conclusions and recommendations for further steps on corridor creation
Stage 1 Open Call, Experiments: Open Call Package of DocumentsWill include Guide for Applicants (GfA), Guide for Evaluators (GfE), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Application Form template.
Visual identity of the projectVisual identity of the project will be reflected in project logo and templates to be used by Consortium and Advisory Group for promotion of project activities.
Success stories 2.0An online set of success stories and demonstrators from the 2nd round of TTP
Description of Regional involvementIncludes the assessment of approaches for collaboration as well as funding opportunities and overview of potential regions for expansion of collaboration
Success stories 1.0An online set of success stories and demonstrators from the 1st round of TTP
Lessons learned 1.0It will be a report including the feedback of the TTEs on the services received during the 1st round of TTP and suggested improvements based on this feedback
Welcome camp 2.0The deliverable will include the agenda and minutes of the second welcome camp
Promotional materialsIn order to promote the BOWI project, following communication materials will be created: 1) press releases originally written in English and translated in local languages and then distributed by BOWI press offices 2) a presentation originally developed in English, that will serve as the key and only template PPT for all partners. As project progresses, the presentation will be updated with new slides and relevant information; 3) a project brochure originally developed in English will be available for project partners in a format needed for printing and also digital version shareable online and on social media. The same as press releases brochure will be translated into local languages; 4)Banner originally developed in English will be available for project partners in a format needed for printing with a purpose to use during previously selected and approved events; 5)Newsletter will be originally created in English and disseminated in a digital format at the beginning and after each milestone of the project.
Welcome camp 1.0The deliverable will include the agenda and minutes of the first welcome camp
Risk Assessment reportIt will contain the main aspects related to the Risk Management of the project and the risk management process. It will contain specific guidelines for risk assessment, risk mitigation measures and consequences (Leader: Civitta; M6, M12, M18, M24, M30, M36, M42)
Stage 2 Open Call, Experiments: Open Call Package of Documents.Includes Guide for Applicants GfA Guide for Evaluators GfE Frequently Asked Questions FAQs and Application Form template
Stage 2 proto-hub Selection Open Call Package of Documents.Includes Guide for Applicants [GfA], Guide for Evaluators (GfE), Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs] and Application Form template.
Lessons learned 2.0It will be a report including the feedback of the TTEs on the services received during the 2nd round of TTP and suggested improvements based on this feedback
Report on the business modelIncludes the underlying services costs market assessment key resources partnerships and the approach to connect to the market and the business logic income
Business planIncludes an investment plan next steps and MoUs of cofunding organisations
Dissemination PlanDissemination Plan will contain the main aspects related to the project dissemination, as well as main principles and rules of processing it.
Community reportCommunity report An aggregation of the information shared to BOWI community Summary of actions and the overview of the activities performed to set BOWI community including descriptions pictures video form region visits conferences etc
Data protection policyA detailed data protection policy for the project will be developed and kept on a file which will include a detailed description of data security.
BOWI Platform in FundingBox Spaces (
Project WebpageTo ensure preservation, accessibility and further usage of project delivered results, a user-friendly web-page will be developed. The platform will include a landing page with general information about the BOWI project activities and main news and results, specifically an agenda of the events, networking, reports, info-graphics, newsletters, promotional audio-visual materials, etc.
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