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Hydrogen In Gas GridS: a systematic validation approach at various admixture levels into high-pressure grids

Risultati finali

Techno-economic validation: main conclusions and recommendations

Techno-economic validation: main conclusions and recommendations. This report will provide input to WP6.

Update3 of communication and awareness plan

Update 3 of communication and awareness plan The project extension is taking here into account and events conferences and activities within the project will be stretched and rescheduled accordingly

Pathway and proposals summary to enable wider injection of H2 in EU gas networks

This deliverable summarises the main results and proposals from Tasks 6.1 to 6.3. It will form a public deliverable reaching out to the target groups like policy makers, standardisers, TSO, DSO, and gas associations.

Update2 of communication and awareness plan

Update 2 of communication and awareness plan.

Report on main interoperability and cross border issues

Results of Task 6.2 will be compiled in this deliverable.

Report on baseline, assumptions and scope for techno-economic modelling

Report on baseline for the techno-economic model, assumptions and scope. This deliverable will contain the results of Task 5.1.

Final report on systematic validation of testing loop

Final report on systematic validation of testing loop and components.

Update on test results

Update on validation results.

Assessment document of RCS barriers and enablers at EU level

A mapping document on state-of-art (SoA) regulatory, standardization and certification map of the EU and its member countries, will be created. The document will consider existing testing methods, too. The results obtained will be input for WP3 and WP6 in the project. A strong interaction between the mentioned WP's, the consortium members, RSC bodies as well as to the panel group will be established right from the beginning.

Final summary of communication, awareness and dissemination actions

Final summary on communication, awareness and disseminarion plan.

Communication and awareness plan

Communication and awareness plan: additional information on channels, target groups and main actions to be developed in the first year of the project. The communication and awareness plan will include, at least: ▪ Identification of target groups for the communication activities ▪ Goals of the communication activity: awareness, information, indicators ▪ Channels to reach the identified targets ▪ Strategies to communicate the project to the general public and other stakeholders (target groups) and with the level considered (local, regional, national, EU, etc) ▪ Methodology and procedures: according to the requisites of the Grant Agreement (GA) and Consortium Agreement (CA), taking into account always the rules on visibility of EU funding ▪ Identification of external events, workshops ▪ Planning for project events, public activities and general informative workshops

Intermediate report: key findings on potential and enablers

Intermediate report key findings on potential and enablers This report will be a link between the description of the model and the initial results on potential and enablers

Report on available results of the validation

Report on results of the validation

Considerations on H2 injection potential to reach EU decarbonisation goals

This deliverable is related to Task 6.1 and it will be presented the main aspects regarding potential for hydrogen injection as an enabler towards decarbonisation of the gas grid.

Final document review on specific technical, RCS barriers, enablers and innovations

The final results of Task 21 and Task 22 will be compiled in this deliverable The new findings will be linked with WP3 in tasks related to update the testing facilities and therefore providing input to deliverable D35 about maintentance operation and upgrades

Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan (DMP) consist on a brief plan to define what data sets the project will generate or process, whether and how these data will be made accessible, and how they will be curated, stored and preserved. The DMP should also provide information on the measures taken to safeguard and protect sensitive data. The data management plan must address the following issues: 1. Making data Findable 2. Making data openly Accessible 3. Making data Interoperable 4. Increase data Re-use 5. Allocation of recourses and data security The data management plan will also have to specify if certain datasets remain closed and the reasons for not giving access should be given (for instance, if one of the project objectives would be jeopardised by providing open access to certain data or some of the generated data are considered sensitive, etc.). If necessary, the DMP will be updated in the Midterm Report (D1.3) and/or in the Final Report (D1.5).


D4.3 Update on test results

Autori: Madina, Virginia; Aragón, Jorge; Fernandez, Dr. Ekain; Gil, Vanesa; Sanchez-Lainez; Javier Cerezo, Alberto
Pubblicato in: Deliverable 4.3, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10213896

HIGGS_D6.3_ Pathway and proposals summary to enable wider injection of H2 in EU gas networks

Autori: Stefan Gehrmann, Michael Walter, Hiltrud Schülken, AlbertoCe-rezo Alarcón, Cristina Rodríguez Vilariño, Lola Storch de Gracia, Javier Sánchez Laínez, Vanesa Gil, Virginia Madina Arrese, Sal-vatore Oricchio
Pubblicato in: Deliverable D6.3, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10593904

HIGGS_D6.2_Report on main interoperability and cross border issues

Autori: Stefan Gehrmann, Michael Walter, Hiltrud Schülken, Javier Sánchez,VanesaGil,Alberto Cerezo Alarcón, Cristina Rodríguez Vilariño
Pubblicato in: Deliverable D6.2, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10593844

HIGGS_D7.6 Final summary of communication, awareness and dissemination actions

Autori: Tobias Weide, Hans Rasmusson,Javier Sánchez, Vanesa Gil
Pubblicato in: Deliverable D7.6, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10593920

Presentation of HIGGS results at Hydrogen Dialogue 2023 conference

Autori: Felix Künkel
Pubblicato in: Hydrogen Dialogue 2023, 2023
Editore: N/A

D6.1 Considerations on H2 injection potential to reach EU decarbonisation goals

Autori: Javier Sánchez, Vanesa Gil, Stephan Gerhmann, Hiltrud Schülken, Michael Walter, Cristina Rodriguez, Alberto Cerezo
Pubblicato in: Deliverable 6.1, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10213931

Presentation of HIGGS project

Autori: Vanesa Gil
Pubblicato in: "Prime movers’ group on Gas Quality and H2 handling Sub-Group 2) #2 meeting", 2021
Editore: ENTSOG

HIGGS_D4.2 Report on results of the validation

Autori: Virginia Madina, Jorge Aragón,Ekain Fernanández, Vanesa Gil, Javier Sánchez, Alberto Cerezo
Pubblicato in: Deliverable D4.2, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10593794

HIGGS_D2.2_Assessment document of RCS barriers and enablers at EU level

Autori: Armin Bollien; Frank Dietzsch; Javier Sánchez Laínez; Hiltrud Schülken
Pubblicato in: Deliverable 2.2, 2023
Editore: N/A

HIGGS_D5.1_Report on baseline, assumptions and scope for techno-economic modelling

Autori: Robin Leonhard, Christoph Steiner, Teresa Villuendas, Javier Sánchez, Alberto Cerezo, Lola Storch
Pubblicato in: Deliverable 5.1, 2023
Editore: N/A
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7715659

Injection of hydrogen in high-pressure gas grids: technical, regulatory and legal aspects

Autori: Javier Sánchez-Laínez, Rodrigo Pérez, Alberto Cerezo, Virginia Madina, Michael Walter, Vanesa Gil1
Pubblicato in: 2021
Editore: WHTC 2021

Investigation of the impact of hydrogen blends on materials and equipment of high-pressure natural gas grids - Presentation in conference

Autori: Vanesa Gil, Javier Sánchez-Laínez, Alberto Cerezo, Maria Dolores Storch de Gracia,Ekain Fernández, Virginia Madina
Pubblicato in: World Congress of Chemical Engineering - WCCE, 2023
Editore: N/A

Presentation of project HIGGS

Autori: Vanesa Gil
Pubblicato in: European Hydrogen Forum 2021, 2020
Editore: European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

Hydrogen In Gas GridS: a systematic validation approach at various admixture levels into high-pressure grids

Autori: Agustin Pascual Aranda
Pubblicato in: 2020
Editore: Gasnam

Presentation of project HIGGS

Autori: Vanesa Gil
Pubblicato in: EU Green Week, 2021
Editore: ERIG

Enabling the injection of hydrogen in high-pressure gas grids: Investigation of the impact on materials and equipment

Autori: Javier Sánchez-Laínez, Alberto Cerezo, Ma Dolores Storch de Gracia, Jorge Aragón, Ekain Fernandez, Virginia Madina, Vanesa Gil
Pubblicato in: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Numero Volume 52, Part A, 2 January 2024, 2024, Pagina/e 1007-1018, ISSN 0360-3199
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.05.220

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