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Smart signaling system to increase road safety

Description du projet

Un nouveau dispositif de signalisation pour des routes plus sûres

L’efficacité des panneaux de signalisation dépend principalement de leur visibilité. Cela signifie que les technologies de signalisation et d’alerte routières doivent être entretenues et améliorées en permanence. Tous les ans, de nombreux accidents de la route à l’origine de blessures graves, voire de décès, sont dus à une mauvaise visibilité. Les technologies actuelles utilisées pour la signalisation et l’éclairage sont peu efficaces et affectées par les conditions météorologiques, un mauvais entretien ou un faible niveau technologique. L’entreprise espagnole Innovaciones SP3 propose une nouvelle application appelée Sislum, qui augmentera la visibilité et réduira les accidents de la route de 70 %. Son dispositif est conçu pour les zones à forte circulation situées à proximité des écoles, des gares et des pistes cyclables. Le projet Sislum, financé par l’UE, entend préparer ce système en vue de sa commercialisation sur le marché mondial d’ici 2022.


Walking is 36 times more dangerous than driving, and 300 times more dangerous than flying. The first road crossing was invented in the 1930’s and remain almost the same since then. Each year road crashes generates around 95,000 fatalities and 2.4 million injuries only in EU region. 90 % of crashes are linked to human error, with pedestrians and riders constituting the main victims (39% of all deaths in road crashes) due to primarily inadequate visibility of pedestrians and vehicle speed. The problem remains unsolved due the limitations of current signs and warning technologies, such as: Ineffectiveness over time due to the temporary tunnel vision issue; Low tolerance to extreme weather conditions; Lack of incorporated Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Many of current signaling systems deform road surface/bent the sidewalks after continuous vehicle transit over them or require complex maintenance operations with high return on investment.
In response to these challenges, Innvoaciones SP3 is bringing Sislum to the market: an emerging lighting system to increase road safety; promoting “smart mobility” through maximum crosswalk visibility and becoming a key enabler device to reduce road accidents up to 70%.
According the audit performed by a certified authority, due to its potential impact in accident reduction, Sislum is recommend being installed in areas with more vulnerable users, such as in schools’ areas, pedestrian crossings, level crossings, bike paths, bus stops, parking exits, airports, and police stations among others.
Sislum has already been tested in different road sections in 3 municipalities in Spain, including testing for analytics of the data generated by the application, with a positive outcome of increasing visibility up to 800m.
Our goal is to reach the market by 2022 and expand globally, in order to make road and especially pedestrian crossings safer worldwide.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Comunidad de Madrid Comunidad de Madrid Madrid
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 71 429,00