Descrizione del progetto
Vaporizzare le foglie dai binari ferroviari
Uno dei pericoli più comuni per i treni è rappresentato dalle foglie, che rendono scivolosi i binari, impedendo talvolta ai treni di frenare in modo efficace. Stando a quanto dichiarato da NetworkRail, azienda del Regno Unito che possiede e gestisce l’infrastruttura ferroviaria in Inghilterra, Galles e Scozia, sarebbero 10 milioni gli alberi presenti sulla rete e in sua prossimità e, ogni autunno, farebbero cadere migliaia di tonnellate di foglie sui binari. Il progetto LT, finanziato dall’UE, ha una soluzione. Sta sviluppando il Laser Train. Questo mezzo utilizzerà impulsi laser ad alta potenza per vaporizzare questa scivolosa contaminazione. Il Laser Train, un vagone separato che può essere trainato dalle locomotive, non riscalderà né danneggerà i binari.
Anyone who travels by train is familiar with delays. Track contamination such as rust, oil and most notoriously autumn leaves cause the tracks to become slippery. Research shows that this leads to 75% lower traction and as a result to severe safety issues from the reduced braking ability. Low traction also leads to slipping and sliding wheels creating ‘flat spots’ and damages wheel and track. Launching customer MTA Long Island Rail Road estimates the cost of wheel repairs at €3.000 each and that for a total of 3.307 wheels in 2017. As for safety issues, in 2017 in the UK 295 trains failed to stop at stations or red lights. The UK infrastructure manager Network Rail shows that slippery tracks cost them an annual €320 million, showing that there is need for a working solution.
Laser Tribology B.V. (LPS) has developed the solution: the LaserTrain. Using high-powered laser pulses the slippery contamination layer is vaporized from the track, without heating up or damaging the track. The LaserTrain is a separate wagon that can be pulled by locomotives in any operator’s network. A few dedicated cleaning LaserTrains clean the network between September and March when the contamination layers hinder operations. After three years of R&D, a full in-house simulation and a prototype on live track the system is now ready for a debut in Europe. The system is fully standalone, requires only energy and cleans at 80 km/h, so it blows away the competition in every aspect.
In Europe there is a long list of prospects following our development closely, such as Network Rail (UK), Banedanmark (DK), Dutch Railways (NL), Deutsche Bahn (DE) and PKP (PL). To meet their demand, engineering on an 80 km/h LaserTrain has finished. Now it’s time to protect the most vital parts of the IP and make it a huge commercial success in Europe. This feasibility study helps do just that. Firstly we look at how bank funding allows us to pre-finance multiple orders. Secondly we improve our knowledge protect
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