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Safety Gloves for Protection of Health Care Professionals

Descrizione del progetto

Guanti più sicuri per il personale medico

I guanti medicali sono esempi di dispositivi di protezione individuale utilizzati per proteggere chi li indossa dalla diffusione di infezioni o malattie. Sebbene vengano utilizzate apparecchiature mediche avanzate, non sono rari gli incidenti mortali dovuti a punture di aghi. L’infezione del personale medico ha un impatto significativo sulla loro salute e causa enormi perdite economiche per gli ospedali. Per una protezione maggiore, chirurghi e infermieri indossano due guanti uno sopra l’altro. L’uso del doppio guanto nel settore chirurgico segue la direttiva dell’UE sulla protezione dei lavoratori contro ferite provocate da dispositivi medici taglienti. Il progetto SafeGlov, finanziato dall’UE, propone un innovativo doppio guanto a base di microparticelle e strati multipli interamente prodotto da materie prime naturali. Il prodotto offre un’elevata protezione e capacità avanzate al personale medico.


Despite high-tech medical equipment the recurrent incidence of fatal needlestick injuries and persistent thread of subsequent infections of medical staff in many clinical applications is a big challenge in today’s modern society. Many surgeons and nurses try to protect themselves from infection risks by wearing two gloves on top of each other. In addition to the high consumption of material precarious working conditions with a permanent thread of serious diseases (HIV, hepatitis C) are drastic consequences for humans constantly exposed to potentially infectious liquids. Also the economic consequences are huge, as follow-up costs amount up to USD 1,691 per needlestick injury (and additional treatment, litigation, compensation costs) for hospitals and society. The project goal of replacing double gloving in surgical fields is fully in line with EU directive 2010/32/EU implemented to prevent workers' injuries caused by all medical sharps (including needlesticks).
Within the SME II project, Smarterials Technology GmbH (ST) introduces a ground-breaking double gloving substitute innovation based on micro-particles, multi-layers and the use of natural raw materials (TRL 6-7) to the European (and global) market. The USPs of high protection, superior tactility and dexterity, less energy and material consumption at low cost will change the rules of the surgical gloves market. During the project production processes at manufacturers need to be adapted, the technology to be demonstrated in core applications (in particular surgery) and detected customers needs to be met in order to prepare the market entry and make this technology the new protection standard in healthcare. This ever-increasing sector is a high-volume market worth more than € 1,4 billion. The SME II project is a major part of ST´s strategy and will lead to significant increase in turnover far beyond € 100 million and to a more environmentally friendly, protected and healthier society in Europe.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 850 060,00
12489 Berlin

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Berlin Berlin Berlin
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 2 655 800,00