CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The most accurate 3D sensor in the world


Ein neues optisches System ermöglicht es Robotern, zu „sehen“

Eine Zukunft mit zusammenwirkenden Robotern, selbstfahrenden Autos und erweiterter Realität ist von der Genauigkeit dreidimensionaler Sensoren abhängig. Diese Sensoren würden es möglich machen, Echtzeitsituationen und Nachrichten aus dem Umfeld zu erfassen. Und genau dort geschieht das Wunder. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Smarter Vision Micro entwickelt ein in Echtzeit betriebenes Miniatur-3D-Optiksystem, das Maschinen ermöglicht, zu „sehen“ und sicher mit der Umwelt zu interagieren. Das Ziel ist die Entwicklung von Anwendungen, die zu autonomeren, intelligenteren und sichereren Autos und Robotern führen, um das Benutzererlebnis zu verbessern. Das Projekt wird mit Systemintegratoren und Softwarespezialisten zusammenarbeiten. Zu seiner Kundenbasis gehören die Hersteller von Robotern, Autos und Unterhaltungselektronik (insbesondere Yaskawa, Porsche und Huawei). Bei der Kommerzialisierung wird das Projekt eine B2B-Vertriebsstrategie verfolgen.


"3D sensing is transforming entire industries, enhancing machines ability to ""see"" and enable new innovative product such as collaborative robots, self-driving cars, or Augmented Reality mobile devices. However, current 3D sensors lack adequate accuracy and require substantial computer power for safely taking decisions in real-time.

To answer to this unmet need, at Ladimo we have focused our expertise in mathematical modeling and software to design Smarter Vision Micro: A real-time miniaturized 3D optical system, with an unrivaled accuracy that enable machines to ""see"" and safely interact with the environment. Smarter Vision Micro will have a considerable impact on the robotics, automotive, consumer electronics sectors by helping manufacturers to create a wide spectrum of commercial applications, ranging from more autonomous, intelligent, and safer cars and robots, to facial and gesture recognition for safer and securer drivingexperience as well as consumer electronics controllers with new AR/VR capabilities.
Our primary customer base will be robot, car, consumer electronics manufacturers where we have already risen traction (e.g. Porsche, Huawei, Yaskawa), as well as system integrators and software specialists who will include our system into their offerings (robotics, facial recognition, augmented/virtual reality and autonomous driving systems). We will adopt a B2B sales strategy for the commercialization of our product, and also plan to diversify into License model for its implementation into different platforms.

SmarterVision will have an impact by enabling new robotic, automotive, and AR/VR applications. We expect to obtain cumulative gross profit of €39 million with a ROI of 20.57 during the first 5 post-Phase 2 years, while creating 80 new jobs. We also expect to have an impact on Europe reputation of technological leadership since blue-chip international companies from competitor countries are interested in our technology."

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