Periodic Reporting for period 2 - NEXTGEAR (NEXT generation methods, concepts and solutions for the design of robust and sustainable running GEAR)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2020-12-01 al 2022-02-28
As mentioned above, the Universal Cost Model has been updated both with regard to the technical content and with a completely new user interface. One of the main contributions of NEXTGEAR to the upgrading and simplification of the UCM is the inclusion of Switches and Crossings in the infrastructure cost estimation tool. Baseline cases have been created and simulated, and the tool has been demonstrated with specific innovation cases.
In parallel in WP2 and WP3 innovative bogie and wheelset components based on new materials and new manufacturing methods have been developed that significantly reduce weight and in turn LCC of a rail vehicle. This will enhance the competitiveness and make rail transport even more environmentally friendly. Further, the vehicle concept with a simplified bogie layout is demonstrating that also conceptual lightweight design can have a great positive impact on weight and LCC.
The development of a controller and a new type of actuator will provide the railway industry with new components that have a great potential to improve the running behaviour of rail vehicles and increase attractiveness.
In the project not only concepts but also prototype solutions are developed that can be adopted after the project is finished. This provides the European railway industry with new possibilities for state-of-the-art vehicle design. The proposed solutions also open up for new companies that are not active in the railway sector today. We are here thinking of additive manufacturing, design and manufacturing of composite bogie frames or wheelsets or companies developing controllers and actuators for other applications today.