CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Real-time renal diagnostic to prevent ICU-acquired Acute Kidney Injury (AKI).


Neuartiges Nierendiagnosewerkzeug zur Vorbeugung akuten Nierenversagens

Laut Statistik sterben weltweit jährlich rund 1,7 Millionen Menschen an akutem Nierenversagen (ANV). Häufig geschieht dies während der Behandlung auf einer Intensivstation. Die beste Strategie, diese Art von Komplikation zu verhindern, ist die rechtzeitige Prävention. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt Clarity entwickelt ein Überwachungssystem für die Intensivversorgung, das über eine patentierte Sensortechnologie kontinuierliche Veränderungen in der Zusammensetzung und Menge des Urins analysiert und das medizinische Personal in Echtzeit permanent über Änderungen dieser Parameter informiert. Diese Parameter geben Aufschluss über eine veränderte Nierenfunktion und Frühzeichen der Gefahr eines akuten Nierenversagens, sodass eine sofortige Intervention eingeleitet werden kann. Nach Tests in ersten klinischen Studien wird das System nun für groß angelegte klinische Studien vorbereitet.


Intensive Care Unit (ICU)-acquired Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is a prevalent and serious problem, associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD), each year around 1.7 million people worldwide are estimated to die from AKI. AKI develops in over 57% of ICU patients, requiring an average of 3.5 additional hospital days and €13,000 of additional hospital costs per patient. The best treatment for AKI is prevention. Although there is no curative therapy for AKI, research over the past decade identified various means to prevent or limit AKI. Unfortunately, these are not widely known and are variably practiced worldwide resulting in lost opportunities to improve the care and outcomes of patients with AKI.
RenalSense introduces Clarity RMS™, a critical care monitoring system that continuously measures urine flow, automatically transmitting to the medical staff real-time data and alerts of fluctuations, on a 24/7 basis. Using patented sensor technology, Clarity measures, analyses and interprets the continuously changing composition and flow volume of urine. This information, which reflects changes in renal function, provides an early sign of AKI risk and facilitates rapid intervention. In addition, it is invaluable for monitoring treatment efficacy and managing fluid balance. The system has been tested during clinical trials with Herzog hospital, Hadassah Medical Organisation and University of Pittsburgh. Analysis of 1,000 study hours showed that electronic measurements with Clarity were more consistent, reliable and accurate than nursing records.
During the feasibility assessment, RenalSense will establish a go-to-market strategy, as well as a feasible product development plan and industrialization strategy. The plan for the large-scale clinical trials will be defined, and the participants secured.

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