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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Virtues and Vice in Mathematics

Descrizione del progetto

Uno studio esplora gli aspetti etici della pratica e delle applicazioni della matematica

Il lavoro matematico a volte può sembrare astratto, ma il modo in cui viene da ultimo utilizzato (o abusato) ha finora attirato poca attenzione tra i filosofi e i matematici. Poiché la matematica è un’impresa epistemica collettiva, i pregiudizi, le incomprensioni e i preconcetti umani possono comprometterne i risultati epistemici. Il progetto VaViM, finanziato dall’UE, prevede di studiare vizi e virtù che si manifestano nelle ingiustizie e di sviluppare un approccio interventista a sostegno di raccomandazioni concrete (come la consulenza politica). VaViM chiarirà meglio come si manifestano le virtù (ad es. la carità) e i vizi (ad es. l’egoismo) nella creazione di conoscenze matematiche. Questo dovrebbe svelare punti comuni tra l’etica e l’epistemologia delle pratiche matematiche e aprirà un campo discorsivo per filosofi e matematici per affrontare il tema dell’etica della matematica.


Mathematics is a human activity, and as for all human activities ethical considerations arise. However, so far the ethics of mathematics has remained an under-explored topic both among philosophers and mathematicians. Because mathematics is a collective epistemic endeavour injustices in its social structure, such as biased refereeing practices, impact its epistemic output. These injustices have not yet received sustained critical reflection, even though they are both socially relevant, since they impact the careers and hence lives of mathematicians, and epistemologically relevant, because they shape publicly available mathematical knowledge. VaViM will study the virtues and vices that manifest in such injustices and develop an interventionist philosophy which supports concrete recommendations, such as policy advice.

VaViM expands the theoretical frameworks provided by the virtue-theoretic literature to a study of cases of injustices in mathematical practices. This empirically informed philosophy will provide detailed investigations of how virtues (e.g. charity) and vices (e.g. egotism) manifest in mathematical knowledge-making. This will reveal points of connection between the ethics and epistemology of mathematical practices and open up a discursive field for philosophers and mathematicians to engage with the ethics of mathematics.

As a European centre of excellence in socially relevant philosophy the VU Amsterdam is the perfect host for VaViM. The shared philosophical interest in the sciences ensures the two-way transfer of knowledge between VaViM and its host and provides ample opportunity for collaboration. The VU’s expertise with public philosophy and its research networks provide excellent means for dissemination for VaViM’s findings on the societal challenges mathematicians are facing in Europe in a changing world. Through VaViM I will enrich the European Research Area as a pioneer of a socially and epistemologically relevant philosophy of mathematics.

Campo scientifico

CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 175 572,48
1081 HV Amsterdam
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 175 572,48