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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

EcoD – Bringing new life to cod waste turning it into protein powder for human consumption


Von Fischabfall zu Eiweißpulver für den Menschen

Bei Fang und Verarbeitung von Fisch entsteht eine beträchtliche Masse an Abfall. Durch das globale Bevölkerungswachstum besteht dringender Bedarf an Eiweißquellen aller Art und die Suche nach Alternativen nimmt Fahrt auf. Eine hat das EU-finanzierte Projekt EcoD jetzt gefunden. Es entwickelt das erste eiweißreiche und genießbare Pulver aus Dorschrogen, einem Restrohstoff (2 % des Gesamtvolumens des Dorschs), der reich an essenziellen und nicht-essenziellen Aminosäuren ist. Bisher wurde er als Lebensmittelabfall entsorgt bzw. wurden nur 8 % davon zur Herstellung geringwertiger Produkte genutzt, die nicht für den menschlichen Verzehr gedacht waren. Das Projekt wird nun gezielt diesen Abfall in ein qualitativ hochwertiges Produkt für den Verzehr verwandeln. EcoD ist dank seines hohen Gehalts an den muskelstärkenden Aminosäuren Glycin und Arginin ideal für körperlich aktive und ältere Personen.


With a global population growth from 7.3 billion to 9.7 billion by 2050, the protein demand is expected to double from the current 202 million tons/year. Protein sources are either animal- or plant-based and their production is depleting the environmental given their high water and land utilization as well as the large Green House Gas Emissions during production. Therefore, there is an urgent need for shifting the production of protein onto a more sustainable path. Iceland Protein (IS) is facing this challenge by developing EcoD, the first rich-protein powder for human consumption sourced from soft cod roes, a rest raw material (2% of cod volume) highly rich in essential and non-essential amino acids mainly discarded as food waste with only 8% utilized to produce low-value products not for human consumption.
With EcoD we exploit fish waste, making it profitable and with a lesser impact on the environment adding value and turning it into a high-quality product for human consumption. Currently, most protein powders are sourced from cow’s milk protein such as whey and casein, eggs, or soy and peas. These products are banned for people with dietary restrictions (allergy and intolerance to dairy products, allergy to eggs or soy). EcoD is eligible this segment of people while providing the FAO/WHO recommended daily intake of essential amino acids and, in most cases, higher amino acid content than commercial alternatives. Furthermore, EcoD is especially beneficial for physically active individuals and elders thanks to its high glycine and arginine favoring muscle strengthening.
Our product will be marketed via our well-established distributors and wholesalers (B2B) to bring EcoD until our targeted end-users. With this project (€1.5M additional investment) we seek to finalize the development of the EcoD and launch it across Europe by 2022 onwards, and later entering the US and Chinese markets. Doing it we will create 5 jobs and €7.5 M in revenues by 2026 (ROI 5. 5).

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€ 50 000,00

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Die Organisation definierte sich zum Zeitpunkt der Unterzeichnung der Finanzhilfevereinbarung selbst als KMU (Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen).

Ísland Ísland Landsbyggð
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00