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Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-04-01 al 2023-03-31

INSAT targets at the design and development of an innovative system for the functional testing of aircrafts. The key points of INSAT are:

Marketability: the architectural design and the operative paradigms are constantly driven by the achievement of the cost-effectiveness and competitiveness for the final system, the basic brick to insure a real impact of the system.

Autonomous working mode: unsupervised operations, along with the autonomous management of the failures (smart assistance for error management): should a failure be detected, the system will propose the possible causes, also generating a non-compliance form, without the intervention of one operator.

Time reduction: shrink the time needed to produce a complete ATP, along with the necessary reporting.

Distributed architecture: the complexity and wired links length are significantly reduced by adopting a multi-function main unit, wireless connected with interchangeable peripherals and thus simply placing a single (small) unit near the device to be monitored.

High modularity, achieved by: 1) a variable number of boards that can be plugged on the bus; 2) different peripheral modules that can be included in the architecture.

Completeness: the test bench will perform a complete sequence of tests, providing the stimulation signal and verifying the correctness of the results.

Logging: the results achieved by each individual test will be recorded, ensuring the future traceability (logging mode active for both the main unit and peripherals).
Evolution of the Business and Strategic idea
The tradeoff analysis between the use of COTS and in-house manufactured elements has been key development element driving the PDR.
Being the cost-effective design a branching point of the whole INSAT project, a thoughtful analysis has been carried out in cooperation with the IADP Leader (D2.2 and D3.1).

Design and development
The architecture of both the Phase-1 and Phase-2 of INSAT system have been set-up, thanks also to the frequent meetings held with the IADP Leader. The logic of ATP and the system requirements have been tuned, along with the foreseen schedule and process time reduction.
The architecture of a signal routing module (Relay drawer) and a secondary module for the electrical power management have been designed.

The overall estimated reach of the dissemination actions ranges from 20.500 to 41.000 people.
A communication and dissemination final report has been prepared on M36, addressing the achievements:
- Publication of an editorial in the issue n° 3, Oct 2021 of the technical magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”.
- Publication of an editorial in the issue n° 2, May 2022 of the technical magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”.
- Publication of an editorial in the issue n° 3, October 2022 of the technical magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”.
- Publication of an editorial in the issue n° 4, December 2022 of the technical magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”.
- AIRTEC 2022 Exhibition, B2B, and Conference; Munich (GE) 26 - 28 October 2022. INSAT has shown a working prototype of the developed Test Bench.
- GITEX2022 trade fair in Dubai (UAE), 10 – 13 October 2022, selected by the European OTF-2 (Overseas Trade Fair) initiative. INSAT has shown a working prototype of the developed Test Bench.
- Invited speech "INSAT: How a new paradigm for the automated test equipment can boost the avionic applications market” at the Dubai World Trade Centre, Tech Rashid Hall, 12 Oct. 2022.
- Speech: “INSAT an integrated testing system for avionics equipment”, at the “1st Workshop on Mathematical Challenges to and from new technologies”, Roma 23-24 June 2022, Engineering Dept. of University of Rome "Sapienza“.

The implementation agreement has been signed.
The Project Management Plan includes the INSAT project management structure, decisional chain, communication level inside and outside the beneficiaries and conflicts resolutions, assigned roles and responsibilities, and the reporting activities. The report also includes the quality standards, communication procedures, the agreed qualification procedures.
The meetings with the IADP Leader have been handled and managed.
Update of the contingency plan for possible new risks and corrective actions.
Deliverables and milestones: control of their quality and timely delivery.

Test bench manufacturing and firmware development
Both elements have been completed and their exploitation involves different aspects:a) the working test bench delivery (Milestones MS8 and MS9) is a key deliverable toward the IADP Leader; b) use the device as a working promotional tool (exhibitions and trade), in conjunction with the activities of WP10; c) exploitation in INSAT itself, being the major input for the Phase-2 test bench.

- New system design paradigm: from the COTS relay boards to ad-hoc development
The developed elements constitute one of the basic bricks of the business & marketing plan of the D10.4 along with the achievement of the milestone MS14.

- User interface application
Is of paramount importance in the promotional actions in exhibitions and trade fairs (employed in the AIRTEC 2022 in Munich in October 2022 and in GITEX2022 in Dubai, in October 2022). Its source code and the associated database structure are modular and adaptable, not being designed as a monolithic structure, enabling its (partial) re-use, with minimal adaptations, for other industrial applications, extending the potential market pool.

- INSAT GI (General Interface)
This board replaces a signal generator, a RF wattmeter and a network analyser, all rather expensive and cumbersome tools, also allowing the measurement of standing waves ratio (VSWR). Other details are in WP9 description in the deliverable D1.3 “Final Project Report”. It is commercially exploitable also outside INSAT, because, with minimal adaptations, can be re-used for other industrial applications, extending the potential market pool.

All the information described in section 2.1 of the DoA (Annex 1) continues to be highly relevant.
No sound modification of the reference markets, as detailed in the sec. 2.1 of the DoA (Annex 1), has been foreseen.
The following considerations are worth to be highlighted:
1) For the market segments, the value proposition and the refinement of the market analysis confirmed the three Priority Groups of WP10, that are updated on a yearly base.
2) The initial evaluation of the size of the ATP for the avionic market segment presented in the DoA (Annex 1) has been confirmed.
3) With respect to the competitive scenario and the Porter’s forces analysis, there is no modification of the original data.
third INSAT editorial in the magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”, issue 3, Oct. 2022
INSAT panel after the FTP step execution
Example of INSAT Visual Inteface (guided procedure: Step 6: instruction and continue execution)
Booth of INSAT at the AIRTEC 2022 edition. The INSAT hardware demonstrator is visible on the right
Dissemination actions, nature, distribution among the addressed Groups, and estimated people reached
: pre-print of the second INSAT editorial in the magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”.
second INSAT editorial in the magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”, issue 2, May 2022
First INSAT editorial in the magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”, issue 3, Oct 2021
The manufactured power management board D00264-02A of INSAT
The manufactured relays board D00264-01A of INSAT
fourth INSAT editorial in the magazine “Tecnologia & Innovazione”, issue 4, Dec. 2022
INSAT roadmap for the communication and dissemination
PXI drawer of INSAT, including the CPU and the multimeter
Booth of INSAT at the GITEX2022 in Dubai (UAE). The INSAT hardware is visible on the table