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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Launching the Mashcream Lifestyle With the In-Home Cool Plate Ice Cream Maker

Descrizione del progetto

Produzione di un nuovo gelato in roll

Spostati, gelato. Fai spazio al gelato mashcream. Questa prelibatezza italiana viene preparata su un piatto refrigerato che consente la preparazione e il congelamento rapidi della base del gelato. È anche sano, senza glutine, organico e contiene solo il 3 % di grassi. Il progetto Mashcream, finanziato dall’UE, sta lavorando per portare questa nuova sorpresa congelata nelle case di tutta Europa. Sta sviluppando una produzione di gelato speciale, attingendo a un mercato in forte espansione che dovrebbe superare i 30 milioni di EUR entro il 2024. Secondo il progetto, contribuirà anche a ridurre gli sprechi alimentari. Considerando che la produzione di gelati può lasciare una grande impronta di carbonio (dal trasporto e dallo stoccaggio alle dannose emissioni di metano delle vacche da latte), Mashcream può aiutare l’UE a raggiungere i suoi obiettivi ambientali.


The consumption of ice cream has increased by 21% and is expected to grow to €30 billion by 2024 . At the same time, millennials tend towards cooking at home and making home-made ice cream . However, our society is overweight, which affects between 30-70% and more than 60% of children, and obese, which affects 10-30% of all adults . Plus, we are wasting a lot of food - €1 trillion are wasted or thrown away each year. Furthermore, the energy consumption for producing ice cream is very high.
Mashcream is an innovative ice cream production concept based on an on-demand cold plate. We are working on bringing this innovation into every home to become the “Nespresso of ice cream”. Consumers will purchase a Mashream ice cream maker that comes with a scoop and measuring cup and then order the Mashcream ice cream base. We have opened 13 shop in shop workstations in 2018 and have participated in over 10 seasonal events with our street food formula. Mashcream is a quality ice-cream: natural, healthy, gluten-free, organic and 100% Italian that consumers will be able to make themselves.
Mashcream is the ideal platform for social cooking. The European ice cream market is expected to grow to over €30 million by 2024 . Assuming that every tenth household has an ice cream maker and that it needs to be exchanged every 5 years, our SOM in Europe would be €442.6 million.
The in-home solution (35x35cm) will be presented as a household appliance to be placed on the consumer market and purchased with a kit of balanced products at room temperature, thus eliminating the cold chain. We aim at a retail price for €100. We have three business models: Shop in shop, street food and store.
Mashcream can help the EU achieve reduce food waste and the carbon footprint from food. In the EU alone, around 88 million tons of food waste is generated each year and the costs €143 billion. Mashcream can support the fight against climate change by decreasing food waste, which accounts for 8%.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00
60131 ANCONA

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Centro (IT) Marche Ancona
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 71 429,00