CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Faster and cheaper robots for object recognition in Waste sorting through AI and external robot control


Robotertechnik für eine effiziente Abfallwirtschaft

Die Abfallwirtschaft verlässt sich in der EU noch weitgehend auf den manuellen Betrieb, sodass die Anforderungen der Abfallrichtlinie nur schwer zu erfüllen sind. Dieser Trend ließe sich durch die Einführung von Robotertechnologie und Objekterkennung umkehren. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt WEXOBOT wird ein Abfallsortiersystem auf Basis von Robotertechnik entwickeln, das mehrere Objektsorten erkennen kann. Das System beruht auf einer bahnbrechenden Technologie, die Daten über ihre Umgebung erfasst, schnelle Entscheidungen fällt und den schnellsten auf dem Markt verfügbaren Roboterarm auch in unbekannten Umgebungen unterstützt. Es programmiert Allzweckroboter um und funktioniert sie in spezialisierte Roboter um. Das Projekt hat das Ziel, das System zur Marktreife zu bringen, was zu Vorteilen für die EU und die Abfallwirtschaft im Speziellen führen wird.


The European waste management is not efficient enough to keep up with the targets of the Waste Directive and the waste sorting is not as profitable as it could be with robotizing and object recognition. We introduce the solution to these challenges with the Waste External Robot Control WEXOBOT, a robotic waste sorting system which has the potential to revolutionize waste sorting by replacing low-performing hazardous manual jobs with highly efficient and fast autonomous robotic pickers.
The major innovation is a unique self-learning system, which gathers data of its environment, makes smart decisions and moves a robot arm in an unpredictable environment faster than any other system on the market. We work with general purpose industrial robots and turn such mass-produced robots into special purpose robots.
Byte Motion aims to support as many robots and brands as possible making them faster and easier to reprogram. The technical solution combines the latest VR/AR solutions for human-like robotic movements with existing robotic technologies to create a new standard for telerobotic and telepresence. As of January 2019, we have developed Byte Motion’s beta version of AI for object recognition which now can recognize glass bottles, PET, Tetra Pak, batteries, and hopefully, it expands to other materials and shapes.
The commercialization of WEXOBOT will bring benefits to European society at large as well as to waste managing companies. There will be sustainable effects in economic, ecologic and social terms. For Byte Motion the innovation project will lead to a generation of €6.9 Million in turnover and creating 36 new job positions in a four-year perspective after market launch as well as creating IP rights from the outcome of the Project. The demand for the innovation and support of the proposed Project is presented through the 8 letters of support. The long-term goal of this project is to create a successful market introduction and growth path for Byte Motion’s innovation

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