CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The Enriched Primate


Erreichung erfolgreicher Zuchtmethoden in Gefangenschaft für gefährdete Primaten

Weltweit sind über 500 Primatenarten bekannt. Fast die Hälfte davon wird als gefährdet oder stark gefährdet eingestuft. Viele von ihnen werden in modernen Zoos gehalten, die als Zuchtstätte in Gefangenschaft dienen und für die Erhaltung der Primatenarten unerlässlich sind. Der Bambuslemur gehört zu den 25 gefährdetsten Primaten der Welt und bislang sind Bemühungen zur Zucht in Gefangenschaft kaum von Erfolg gekrönt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EnPrim führt eine Studie in mehreren Zoos durch, die darauf abzielt, die chemische Signatur eines fruchtbaren Weibchens festzustellen und nachzuahmen, um dann deren Auswirkungen auf Zuchterfolge und das Wohlbefinden der gefangenen Tiere zu erproben. Das Projekt hat vor, Verfahren zu verwenden, die hochmoderne Semiochemie in bestehende Methoden der Verhaltensbeobachtung und fäkalen Endokrinologie sowie der Analyse der fäkalen Mikrobenflora integrieren.


Of 504 primate species currently recognized worldwide, almost half are classified as endangered or critically endangered. Captive breeding is vital for primate conservation, with modern zoos serving a crucial role as ambassadors of endangered species, breeders of populations acting as buffers against extinction, and educators of the general public. However, captive populations may experience welfare issues that also undermine their breeding success. Particularly, zoo management is challenging because of the mismatch between natural and captive environments. The aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) is the only surviving species of the Daubentoniidae, the oldest family of the living lemurs, one of the 25 most endangered primates in the world, and currently showing a low success rate in captive breeding. This multi-zoo project aims to identify and reproduce the female aye-aye’s fertile chemical signature and then test its effects on the breeding success and welfare of three captive troops. We will meet these goals using methods that integrate cutting-edge semiochemistry with established behavioural observations and faecal endocrinology as well as innovative faecal gut microbiota analysis. This novel project will provide findings which should also entail quantifiable impact, such as best practices adopted by target zoos and extended to other institutions through amendments in management policies released by the Studbook Keeper and the Taxon Advisory Group Coordinator for the study species. The complementary expertise of the Fellow and the supervisory team make this project feasible and highly multidisciplinary. The training provided by the supervisor and the host organisation will contribute significantly to the profile of the Fellow, adding new methodological and scientific competences as well as complementary skills which will be imperative for the Fellow’s future career as an independent researcher.


€ 212 933,76
WV1 1LY Wolverhampton
Vereinigtes Königreich

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West Midlands (England) West Midlands Wolverhampton
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 212 933,76