Trends und Folgen des Alleinlebens
Dank der guten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung verbessern sich unsere Lebensbedingungen, doch der steigende Konsum führt auch zu Umweltproblemen. Viele Fachleute gingen ursprünglich davon aus, dass sinkende Fruchtbarkeit dabei zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit beitragen könnte. Doch in den meisten schrumpfenden Bevölkerungen von entwickelten und Entwicklungsländern ist der Konsum nicht zurückgegangen. Das liegt daran, dass immer mehr Menschen allein leben und die Anzahl der Haushalte dadurch nicht abnimmt. In der EU besteht ein Drittel der Gesamtbevölkerung aus Einpersonenhaushalten. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt LACONIA soll nun der zunehmende Trend zum Alleinleben untersucht werden. Dabei geht es um Gründe, variable Tendenzen, den Einfluss auf den Konsum sowie alternative nachhaltige Wohnformen. Das Projekt wird wertvolle Erkenntnisse liefern, die Nachhaltigkeit und neue Stadtplanung ermöglichen.
Human population has wide ranging and often negative consequences for the natural environment. Population stability and decreasing fertility have thus been heralded as promising for sustainability. However, household size has been decreasing steadily in both developed and developing countries, at an accelerating pace, since the 1980s. The European Union (EU) leads this trend, with nearly a third of total households consisting of single residents. As a result of more people living alone with associated higher consumption, slowing population growth has resulted in neither fewer residences nor decelerating human impact on the environment. This MC-IF aims to investigate the trend toward living alone and create new knowledge about environmental impacts of different household configurations, drivers for different occupancy trends and alternative sustainable housing configurations. The research will be carried out in three phases, firstly by using existing population, housing and consumption databases; secondly be interviewing both high and low impact single resident households and finally by studying low impact household configurations in-depth. This will provide new knowledge on: how different household configurations impact sustainability; why people choose to live in different various configurations; and drivers and barriers for emerging sustainable alternatives. This knowledge will be valuable for policy makers planning sustainable urban environments. During period of training the ER will: Acquire specialised knowledge on sociology of consumption; deepen her mixed methods analysis; improve her multicultural and team communications skills; have policy impact; and publish scientific articles in international journals. Thus the MSCA-IF will allow her to consolidate her academic profile in order to enter the EU academic job market in a tenure-track position.
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MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Koordinator
9220 Aalborg