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Behavioural Economics for ATM Concepts


Data Management Plan

This deliverable presents the approach of BEACON for the data management, and details the data sources considered.

Final model results

Full description of the model and final results

First model version and behavioural calibration

Prospect theory and hyperbolic discounting model parameters estimated and incorporated into a small simulation model

Database structure and data elaboration

This deliverable details the final structureof the database providing the information on the data sources and describes the data elaborations that wereneeded for the data analyses in other WPs

Final Concept assessment report

This deliverable presents a synthesis of the stakeholders input and the conclusions and recommendations stemming from the different work packages in terms of ATM prioritisation including UDPP concept evolution as well as added value from usingbehavioural economics in ATM concept elaboration and validation

Industry briefing on updates to the European cost of delay

Technical report outliningthe major changes introduced during the update to the airline cost of delay calculation

First tactical model and results

This deliverable will report on the first progresses made in Task 51 first version of the model and on the interface for the real time simulations It will also report on the specific scenarios planned for the real time simulations

Final dissemination and communication report

This report will summarise the status of the targeted dissemination and communication activities up to M29The final Dissemination and Exploitation Plan together with the final Communication Plan will be included in D11 Project Management Plan

Intermediate Concept assessment report

This deliverable presents an interim synthesis of the stakeholders' input and the conclusions and Recommendations stemming from the different work packages. This interim deliverable will record initial views and check format/content etc.

Final Project Results Report

The Final Project Results Report will cover all the research activities performed by the project including a selfassessment of the TRL achieved at the end of the project

Final tactical model and results

This deliverable will report on the feedback from thereal time simulations and how they were used in the second version of the model Final results from themodel will be presented in this deliverable as well and will feed the final recommendations in WP6

High-level modelling requirements

Technical report consolidating the results of Tasks 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.


Impact of cost approximation on the efficiency of collaborative regulation resolution mechanisms

Autoren: Gérald Gurtner and Tatjana Bolić
Veröffentlicht in: Journal of Air Transport Management, 2023, ISSN 0969-6997
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jairtraman.2023.102471

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