CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Exiled Lives on the Stage: Turkey’s Artists at the Crossroads of New Aesthetic Practices and Political Subjectivities


Ein genauerer Blick auf türkische und kurdische Künstlerinnen und Künstler in Europa

Die jüngsten politischen Ereignisse in der Türkei führten zur Auswanderung türkischer und kurdischer Intellektueller, Schauspieler und Literaturschaffender. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ExiLives wird die Lebensgeschichten aus dem Exil der Theaterschaffenden türkischer und kurdischer Herkunft sowie die Wechselwirkungen zwischen ihren Geschichten untersuchen. Zudem wird es die kollektive Auswirkung dieser Erfahrungen auf das Theater analysieren. Konkret wird das Projekt eine interdisziplinäre Methodik auf der Basis ethnografischer Forschung und sozio-ästhetischer Theateranalyse entwickeln. Es wird ein digitales Archiv des Theaters und der darstellenden Künste im Rahmen des jüngsten Exils türkischer und kurdischer Künstlerinnen und Künstler aufbauen. Durch die Beschreibung und Analyse der Unterschiede zwischen den lokalen und nationalen Kontexten der Künstleraufenthalte werden die aktuellen Unterstützungsmechanismen und Künstlernetzwerke in verschiedenen städtischen Kontexten beleuchtet.


ExiLives focuses on currently exiled theatre artists from Turkey (Turkish and Kurdish) in European cities. It investigates the entanglement of artists' personal exilic life stories and the collective affects that theatre works based on these experiences can emanate. It sets out to develop a new interdisciplinary methodology utilizing ethnographic research and socio-aesthetic theatre analysis (informed by theatre and performance studies, cultural studies, political sociology, diaspora and exile studies).

ExiLives will create a digital archive of artistic expressions in the theatre and performing arts that deal with the recent exodus of intellectuals, artists and authors from Turkey. It will also map out and discuss the differences between the local and national contexts of the respective artist residencies as well as the efficacy of existing support mechanisms, exchange programs and artist networks in different urban contexts.

The theatre arts are discussed for their utility in understanding new political subjectivities and aesthetic practices emerging from the exilic situation. Representations of the exilic life are not regarded as mere reflections of a social reality. They are gauged as models for that reality, where the workings of aesthetics and performative affects aim to impact cultural debates of community, conviviality, social justice, peace, dignity, and free speech. Hence, the research will shed new light on how seemingly marginal artistic initiatives destabilize but also reimagine ways of being political, thereby constituting a conceptual basis for newly emerging political subjectivities in Europe.

As a precarious theatre scholar who worked and researched in Turkey but left due to political pressures, the Experienced Researcher has first-hand experience with the implications of exilic life. He is part of the solidarity networks for academics and artists at risk from Turkey, from which he will emerge as a key expert in the field.


€ 174 806,40
14195 Berlin

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Berlin Berlin Berlin
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 174 806,40