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Linking Energy Audit Policies to enhance and support SMEs towards energy efficiency

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Risultati finali

Final Publishable Report

Final report with the description of LEAP4SME activities, main results and possible future developments.

Report on existing support measures for energy audits and energy efficiency in SMEs

The report will contain an overview of energy end-use policies and programmes addressed to SMEs in the participating countries including subsidies, administrative polices, investment funds initiatives, networks, general information campaigns including self-scanning, and benchmarking methods (i.e. possibility for SMEs to compare their energy use).

Report on the Integration of SMEs energy audit policy with other legislation and programmes at national and European level

The present deliverable will focus on describing the main findings from a possible integration of SMEs energy audit policy with other legislation and programmes at national and European level.

Report on SMEs characterization to address an effective policy development

The report will describe the proposed SMEs characterization to address an effective policy development in the participant States

Report on energy audits market and main barriers in auditing SMEs

An analysis of the energy audits market and its main barriers will be provided. Both energy and non-energy barriers will be considered in the analysis.

Final report on Capacity Building and Trianing Activities

This report wil include the final reults on capacity building and training implementation activities.

Communication/Dissemination Plan

CommunicationDissemination Plan with Impact report as annual Annex This document will be reviewed in M122436

Final Conference proceedings and Press release

This report includes the proceedings of the international final conference of the project, organized to present the outcomes of the project, lessons learned, identified policy recommendations and plans for the future and the press release.

Capacity building implementation plan

This report will include the capacity building engagement and training plan for policy makers and implementing bodies energy agencies regulators including the detailed agendas of the training programmes per countryIt will also include a detailed engagement plan for nonpolicy makers such as trade associations financial institutions ESCOs and professionals associations

Report on the literature review analysis of multiple energy benefits and best practices

Report on the literature review analysis of multiple energy benefits and best practices that may arise from current but adequate energy efficiency audits and actual implementation of the recommended energy-saving measures, including comparison on innovative approaches to integrated resource efficiency audits

Report on the Framework for the development of national SMEs Energy Audit Programmes and schemes

"The present deliverable, strictly interconnected with the ""Report on the Integration of SMEs energy audit policy with other legislation and programmes at national and European level"", will focus on the framework for a development of national SMEs Energy Audit Programmes and schemes."

Guideline document on SMEs selection criteria and stakeholders Engagement

The deliverable consists in a guideline document on SMEs selection criteria and stakeholders Engagement A correct selection of the above mentioned criteria will be a crucial part of the whole WP3 activities

Report and infographic of the SMEs mapping

A state of the art of energy aspects related to SMEs will be provided. The following data and information, wherever available, will be gathered per sector at EU and National level: number of companies and size classification (according to staff headcounts), ownership structure, energy consumption, energy intensity, energy sources used geographic location.

Policy recommendations report

A set of general policy recommendations will be developed on the results described in all other WP4 deliverables.

Report on the analysis of the stakeholders real training and capacity building needs

This report will include the analysis of the stakeholders real training and the evaluation of the capacity building needs.

Compilation of good practices

A compilation of energy audits and energy efficiency good practices will be collected and published Among the main criteria for the selection specific attention will be given to involvement of experts andor specific protocols such as IPMVP implementation of the energy saving measures addressed in the audit replicability of the proposed practice

Report on impact scenarios framework and strategies

This report will include impact scenarios framework and strategies to boost energy audits and energy efficiency implementation

Report and main proceedings on EU and National observatories

This deliverable will include a report and main proceedings of national and international observatories to be consulted during the project and essential to match the project goals with the policy makers and stakeholders’ needs.

Project Website & Visual Identity

The project website will integrate all relevant elements from all work packages and will serve as the public platform for all stakeholders to learn about the addedvalue of LEAP4SME learn about our work and discover the projects resourcesThe visual identity includes the logo icon and project slogan with guidelines specifying how visual elements are to be used on various communication materials


LEAP4SME international observatory on energy efficiency policies for enterprises and SMEs – key messages

Autori: Biele Enrico; Herce Carlos; Martini Chiara; Salvio Marcello; Toro Claudia
Pubblicato in: SDEWES Conference 2022, 2023
Editore: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10270179

Overview of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes for SMEs in Italy

Autori: Toro, Claudia; Biele, Enrico; Carlos Herce; Chiara Martini; Marcello Salvio; Threpsiadi, Adrianna; Wilkinson-Dix, Jack
Pubblicato in: Energy Evaluation Europe 2022, Paris-Saclay, France, 28-30 September 2022, 2022
Editore: Energy Evaluation Conference
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7404788

Best Policy Practices for Supporting Energy Efficiency in SMEs in UK

Autori: Threpsiadi, Adrianna; Wilkinson-Dix, Jack; Biele, Enrico; Herce, Carlos; Martini, Chiara; Salvio, Marcello; Toro, Claudia
Pubblicato in: Energy Evaluation Europe 2022, Paris-Saclay, France, 28-30 September 2022, 2022
Editore: Energy Evaluation Conference
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7404857

Energy Efficiency Policies for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Review

Autori: Carlos Herce, Chiara Martini, Claudia Toro, Enrico Biele, Marcello Salvio
Pubblicato in: Sustainability, Volume 16, Numero 3, 2024, 2024, ISSN 2071-1050
Editore: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su16031023

Impact of Energy Monitoring and Management Systems on the Implementation and Planning of Energy Performance Improved Actions: An Empirical Analysis Based on Energy Audits in Italy

Autori: Carlos Herce; Enrico Biele; Chiara Martini; Marcello Salvio; Claudia Toro
Pubblicato in: Energies, 2021, Volume 14, Numero 16, 2021, ISSN 1996-1073
Editore: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/en14164723

A methodology to characterize energy consumption in small and medium-sized enterprises at national level in European countries

Autori: Carlos Herce; Enrico Biele; Chiara Martini; Marcello Salvio; Claudia Toro; Gabriele Brandl; Petra Lackner; Stefan Reuter
Pubblicato in: Clean Technology Environmental Policy (2023), 2023, ISSN 1618-9558
Editore: Springer Link
DOI: 10.1007/s10098-023-02606-z

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