Descripción del proyecto
Caracterización detallada del destino de los productos agroquímicos en nuestro suelo
A pesar de que, en materia de contaminación atmosférica y cambio climático, a menudo se centra la atención en el dióxido de carbono, los niveles de nitratos y la producción de óxido nitroso en los suelos afectan directamente a los humanos y otros organismos vivos, y tienen un grave impacto medioambiental. Para comprender los procesos químicos de la degradación de los productos agroquímicos y otras fuentes de nitratos y la producción asociada de óxido nitroso (en sí mismo un potente gas de efecto invernadero), se necesitan modelos precisos del transporte reactivo en diversos suelos. El proyecto RW3D-US, financiado con fondos europeos, mejora los modelos numéricos actuales. Los científicos del proyecto aplican métodos matemáticos novedosos que simulan con mayor precisión los sistemas reactivos y ponen de relieve los principales procesos. Disponer de modelos mejores será decisivo para nuestra comprensión y gestión de la contaminación de las aguas superficiales y subterráneas, y sensibilizará sobre las consecuencias que esto puede tener en el clima.
During the fellowship, the experienced researcher Christopher V. Henri and his supervisors Anker Lajer Højberg and Jens Christian Refsgaard of the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) will lead an effort improving the prediction of nitrate levels and of the production of nitrous oxide in soils by developing advanced and accurate modeling techniques. The widespread use of agrochemicals has led to the contamination of many surface and groundwater bodies around the world. Nitrate is a highly problematic contaminant due to its adverse effect on human health and on ecosystems. Understanding the fate of nitrate in the subsurface is, however complex. Indeed, the pollutant undergoes in many cases a sequential biochemically induced degradation, which will reduce levels but also produce nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas. Today, numerical models are essential in the management of such groundwater contamination. Yet, virtually all available numerical solutions for reactive transport in soils use Eulerian methods that present serious numerical issues, which significantly reduce their applicability. The proposed project will represent a breakthrough in our representation of reactive transport in unsaturated soils by developing a stable and reliable Lagrangian method able to simulate reactive systems as the Nitrate biodegradation. The method will also allow to identify key processes triggering reactions in soils, which is primordial to improve our management of groundwater contaminations and to better understand the implication that the subsurface production of nitrous oxide can potentially have on climate. The project will also allow the high-potential applicant to secure a position in Europe and the world-class host institution to maintain excellence through a series transfer of knowledge, training and communication strategy.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Régimen de financiación
MSCA-IF - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)Coordinador
1350 Kobenhavn K