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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Artificial Intelligence Model for Cognitive Assessment for infants and Children

Descrizione del progetto

Diagnosi e intervento precoci nel danno cerebrale

I progressi nella tecnologia possono contribuire al miglioramento della nostra comprensione dello sviluppo del cervello umano e consentire una diagnosi precoce del danno. L’IA può accelerare il processo, aiutando la comunità di ricerca medica a esplorare le ragioni alla base di uno sviluppo difettoso del cervello nei neonati pretermine. Il progetto AIM_COACH, finanziato dall’UE, si concentrerà su questa problematica. Nello specifico, analizzerà i segnali elettroencefalografici di lattanti e bambini piccoli al fine di documentare lo sviluppo normale e anomalo del cervello in neonati pretermine e a termine. La fase successiva consisterà nello sviluppo di un sistema di valutazione cognitiva basato sull’IA per un’analisi in tempo reale al fine di facilitare l’apprendimento nei lattanti e nei bambini piccoli che mostrano segni di ritardo nello sviluppo e problemi di apprendimento.


The development of the understanding of normal and especially pathological human brain development is as important as ever, and has the potential to unlock enormous clinical benefits. It is essential to understand the underlying reasons that leads to faulty brain development in premature babies, we need to undertake studies that investigate these reasons so as to use the results to provide at-risk infants with an early diagnosis of brain damage and start intervention while the brain is still plastic. AIM_COACH: Artificial Intelligence Model for Cognitive Assessment for infants and Children, intends to answer all these questions. Objective of this research is to document normal and abnormal brain development in full-term and premature infants by analysing Electroencephalography (EEG) signals of infants and small children. To this end, researcher will develop an Artificial intelligence based Cognitive Assessment system for real time analysis in order to facilitate learning in infants and young children who show signs of developmental delay and learning problems. It will be offered as an intervention programme to those children that are likely to benefit most from an early diagnosis and early intervention before school age. Marie Skłodowska- Curie Actions- Individual Fellowships Call (MSCA-IF) which is purely a research and training fellowship provides a conducive environment in realising the objectives of AIM_COACH and offers an ideal ambience for developing skills to reach future career objectives in view of the researcher’s competitiveness for permanent academic posts at the world’s leading-100 universities.

Parole chiave


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 214 158,72
7491 Trondheim

Mostra sulla mappa

Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 214 158,72