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Cerebellar Rhythmic Entrainment with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A new approach for the study of cerebellar connections with the cortex.


Einblick in Gehirnverbindungen

Das Nervensystem ermöglicht es uns, unser motorisches System an schnelle Umweltveränderungen anzupassen. Diese Anpassung geschieht durch den Informationsaustausch über bestimmte anatomische Verbindungen zwischen Kleinhirn und Motorcortex im Gehirn. Forschende des EU-finanzierten Projekts cRETMS wollen die kaum verstandene Dynamik dieser Verbindung aufklären. Mit einer Reihe modernster Methoden werden sie die anatomische und effektive Konnektivität zwischen Kleinhirn und Motorcortex untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts werden nicht nur zu einem mechanistischen Verständnis der zerebralen Konnektivität führen, sondern auch zur Entwicklung neuer Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der motorischen Leistung des Menschen beitragen.


Adaptation to rapidly changing environmental demands is oneThe adaptation to rapid environmental changes represents one of the most important features of the nervous system. This process is regulated by the influence of the cerebellar output over the motor cortex (M1). Information exchange between the cerebellum and M1 is achieved through rich anatomical connections, and is essential for efficient motor adaptation. However, a macro-scale understanding of the dynamics of this connectom is still poorly understood. The originality of this project is to combine, for the first time, cerebellar rhythmic transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), online electroencephalography (EEG) recordings, and offline diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI), for the study of cerebello-to-M1 connections. Specifically, cRETMS is articulated in two work-packages (WPs). WP1 will pave the technical ground by probing the hypothesis that cerebellar β-oscillations are physiologically relevant in terms of cerebello-to-M1 anatomical and effective connectivity. WP2 will use the technical proofs of concept coming from WP1 to test the importance of cerebellar β-frequency in the adaptation of motor movements, with the aim of enhancing human motor performance by means of rTMS. The present action may lead to a breakthrough into our mechanistic understanding of cerebellar-to-M1 functional connectivity, which in turn may inform interventions for the manipulation of brain oscillations subtending normal and impaired motor functions. The training provided by my supervisors will be essential to reach these goals. Through them and the excellency of the host institution, this fellowship will give me the opportunity to learn how to analyse diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) data, and how to integrate structural and dynamic information coming from the brain. This will undoubtedly increase my chances to further advance my career, deepening my scientific expertise to become an independent researcher.

Wissenschaftliches Gebiet

CORDIS klassifiziert Projekte mit EuroSciVoc, einer mehrsprachigen Taxonomie der Wissenschaftsbereiche, durch einen halbautomatischen Prozess, der auf Verfahren der Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache beruht.


€ 184 707,84
75013 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
€ 184 707,84