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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

ALGAL biorefinery of biogas digestate to high VAlue fuNctional IngredientS through circular approachEs


Zwei Verfahren zur effizienten Nährstoffrückgewinnung durch Algen

Biogas ist ein brennbares Gas und bietet eine beträchtliche und erneuerbare Energieform. Daher spielen Bioraffinerien auf Basis der anaeroben Gärung eine wichtige Rolle. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt ALGALVANISE betont, dass es für die Biogasindustrie wichtig ist, auf einen Bioraffinerie-Ansatz mit anaerober Gärung umzusteigen. Algen sind ein wesentliches Element dieses Übergangs. Algen können Nährstoffe effizient aufnehmen und gleichzeitig Biomasse produzieren, die reich an Proteinen, Lipiden, Kohlenhydraten, Vitaminen und Mineralien ist. Das Problem ist jedoch, dass Algen schwer zu produzieren und zu ernten sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird ALGALVANISE zwei Verfahren zur effizienten Nährstoffrückgewinnung durch Algen entwickeln: enzymunterstützte verstärkte Algenkultivierung und kombinatorische Bioflockung unter Verwendung von Bakterien und Biopolymeren.


The anaerobic digestion (AD) industry is currently facing serious environmental and economic challenges due to the restrictions on the usage of digestate (the slurry residue of the process), coupled with reductions in subsidies for biogas production. It is important for the biogas industry to shift towards an AD biorefinery approach to make valuable co-products from the digestate fraction while recovering nutrients. Algae is an efficient tool for recovering the nutrients due to its ability to assimilate the nutrients efficiently while producing biomass rich in proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. However, there are no relevant commercially-operating algal digestate treatment plants due to the high energy inputs required for producing and harvesting the algae. ALGALVANISE will advance the state-of-the art by developing two novel concepts: 1) enzyme-assisted enhanced algal cultivation; and 2) combinatorial bioflocculation using bacteria and biopolymers. These two processes are targeted towards efficient nutrient recovery by algae from the digestate and harvesting high-quality algal biomass to produce high-value functional ingredients. The proposed body of research involves extensive training of the hosted researcher in the development of skills that will have a clear positive impact regarding her professional development and career opportunities. It is expected that ALGALVANISE will enable the Researcher to progress significantly with regards to her career goals, a primary one regards being an independent researcher that can develop commercially-relevant high-impact research projects that develop and demonstrate innovations that can ultimately be deployed at flagship facilities. The innovations developed in ALGALVANISE could themselves ultimately lead to a flagship AD-algal biorefinery or they could develop the Researcher’s skills to such a degree that she could lead flagship projects, based on other technologies, in the future.


€ 184 590,72
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€ 184 590,72