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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Fundamental Breakthrough in Detection of Atmospheric Free Radicals

Descrizione del progetto

Un modo radicalmente semplice per rilevare minacce atmosferiche di breve durata

I radicali liberi rappresentano un’area di ricerca intensiva dato il loro impatto sulla nostra salute, il clima e lo strato di ozono. Si tratta di atomi o gruppi di atomi con un elettrone disaccoppiato in una corteccia esterna. Poiché il comportamento di un atomo è direttamente correlato ai suoi elettroni, un elettrone disaccoppiato rende un atomo altamente reattivo e desideroso di «rubare» un elettrone da una molecola vicina per stabilizzarsi. Ovviamente, questo rende instabile il suo vicino e la cascata continua, causando potenzialmente il caos. La misurazione dei radicali liberi atmosferici è attualmente piuttosto complicata e solo pochi laboratori in tutto il mondo sono in grado di eseguirla. Il progetto RADICAL, finanziato dall’UE, sta sviluppando un metodo semplice e a basso costo per rilevare importanti radicali liberi nell’atmosfera, migliorando il monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria e portando a migliori previsioni del cambiamento climatico.


Atmospheric radicals, particularly hydroxyl (•OH) and nitrate radicals (•NO3), are the drivers of chemical processes that determine atmospheric composition and thus influence local and global air quality and climate. Current techniques for measuring radicals are based on spectroscopic and mass spectrometric methods, which are technically complex, cumbersome and expensive. As a result, the measurement of atmospheric radicals is far-from-routine and only a few research groups worldwide can perform them in a very limited number of geographic locations. There is therefore a clear need to develop new radical detection techniques which are much easier to implement and deploy than existing methods. The central aim of RADICAL is to develop and deliver the science and technology to electrically detect and quantify, for the first time, short lived •OH and •NO3 radicals in the atmosphere via new, low-cost and easily accessible Si junctionless nanowire transistor (Si JNT) devices. These devices will lead to improved monitoring and control of air quality and better predictions of climate change.

Three breakthrough science and technology targets have been identified: 1) fabrication and functionalisation of arrays of Si JNTs for the selective and highly sensitive electrical detection of •OH and •NO3 radicals, 2) electrical detection of atmospheric •OH and •NO3 radicals under a range of laboratory conditions and 3) evaluation and validation of the radical detectors under realistic conditions in an atmospheric simulation chamber and via deployment in the ambient atmosphere.

Expertise in electronics, computer modelling, materials and surface science, nanofabrication, radical chemistry and atmospheric science is integrated on a pan-European level to achieve the overall aim of the project. This knowledge developed in RADICAL has the potential to bring about a dramatic breakthrough in air quality and climate monitoring, leading to health benefits for European citizens.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 993 080,00
T12 YN60 Cork

Mostra sulla mappa

Ireland Southern South-East
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 993 080,00

Partecipanti (5)