CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

The implementation of Digital Mobile Mental Health in clinical care pathways: Towards person-centered care in psychiatry


Innovationen im Bereich psychische Gesundheit

Apps kommen zunehmend auch in der Versorgung psychisch Kranker zum Einsatz. Die psychische Gesundheitsfürsorge gehört zu den am schnellsten wachsenden Sektoren auf dem globalen Markt für Digitaltechniken im Gesundheitswesen. Nun soll das EU-finanzierte Projekt IMMERSE den Wandel der psychischen Gesundheitsversorgung in Europa weiter vorantreiben. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf personenzentrierter Versorgung werden 20 Jahre Forschung zur so genannten Experience Sampling Methode (ESM) in einer neuen digitalen App für psychische Gesundheit zusammengeführt. Diese umfasst eine elektronische Befragung per ESM-App bzw. tägliche elektronische Tagebucheinträge zur psychischen Verfassung, eine Datenplattform zur Analyse dieser Daten sowie ein Dashboard für Darstellung und Feedback. Das Projekt soll Strategien, Abläufe und den Einsatz des Instruments evaluieren.


The overarching aim of IMMERSE (Implementing Mobile MEntal health Recording Strategy for Europe) is to advance the transformation of mental health care in Europe intro true person-centered care, focused on the needs of each individual seeking help for mental health problems, while giving them an active role in their treatment process and decision-making. In order to do so, IMMERSE has
identified the Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM), a structured diary technique, as the methodology that puts the service user at the heart of their treatment. IMMERSE will integrate 20 years of research evidence on ESM into an innovative, clinical digital health tool, Digital Mobile Mental Health (DMMH), in close collaboration with stakeholders and extending it with mobile sensing data and innovative machine learning models. DMMH consists of an ESM app, assessing self-reports of mental state in daily life, a data-platform that allows the analysis of these data, and dashboard for visualization and feedback. IMMERSE will thoroughly evaluate strategies, processes and outcomes of DMMH implementation at 8 sites in 4 countries in Europe representing different contexts for implementation evaluation. At the same time, IMMERSE will identify and overcome key barriers and strengthen facilitators for implementation, transfer and scale-up of DMMH to routine mental health clinical practice by closely collaborating with relevant stakeholders, aligning the innovative DMMH tool to their needs. Similarly, the diverse ethical, legal and policy challenges and requirements will be identified and DMMH will be developed and implemented accordingly. Finally, IMMERSE is set out to do a cost-benefit analysis of the implementation and present a framework for future implementation of DMMH, including forecasting scenarios, aiming at a further scale-up of DMMH across 4 countries in Europe and beyond. IMMERSE thus offers a unique potential to significantly innovate mental health care in Europe.

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€ 1 330 850,00
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€ 1 330 850,00

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