CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Fully-equipped electric trailer supporting the transition towards sustainable city logistics


Elektroanhänger zur Lieferung sperriger Gegenstände

In den vergangenen Jahren haben die zunehmende Verstädterung sowie das rasante Wachstum des elektronischen Geschäftsverkehrs Druck auf die Zustellung bis vor die Haustür ausgeübt, ihre Arbeitsweise zu ändern. Paketdienste mussten mobilere Liefermethoden finden. Allerdings gibt es auf dem Markt zurzeit keine allumfassende Lösung, die der intensiven Nutzung und den Anforderungen der Paketzustellung gerecht wird. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FUTrailer hat zum Ziel, diese Herausforderungen für die Zustellung bis vor die Haustür zu überwinden, indem es Elektroanhänger für Fahrräder entwickelt und einführt. Diese Anhänger können die Bewegungen des Fahrrads nachahmen und gleichzeitig Komfort und Sicherheit während des Transports garantieren, sodass mehr und auch sperrigere Güter ausgeliefert werden können.


The boom of the e-commerce together with the growing urbanisation are forcing the last-mile sector to redesign its operations. Parcel delivery companies are searching for new mobility solutions that increase the efficiency and sustainability of their activity in urban areas. Bicycles and cargo bikes have been recognised as ideal for the transport of goods in urban areas. However, current solutions in the market either have a too small carrying capacity – which makes them inefficient for the last-mile sector – or are too bulky and cannot easily overcome traffic congestion as bicycles do. At Nüwiel we have seized this opportunity and are finishing the development of FUTrailer, the world’s first electric trailer for bicycles that provides to the last-mile sector the solution to increase the payload per vehicle without scarifying its urban mobility. Thanks to our patented Intelligent Riding System technology, the e-trailer accelerates and brakes automatically mimicking the movement of the bike accurately and instantly. This ensures comfort and safety during the ride, even when carrying heavy and bulky cargo on uneven roads such as cobblestones. The e-trailer can be connected to any bike, electric bike, and even cargo bike within a few seconds. When disconnected from the bike, it can be used as an electric handcart inside buildings and pedestrian-only areas. Our current market positioning in the last-mile sector with outstanding key accounts from several segments opens up a business opportunity of €210 million. FUTrailer represents the only market-viable solution that can be smoothly integrated into current delivery fleets, enabling an efficient and emission-free movement of goods in urban areas. By 2026, 5 years after market entry, we expect to have 35,600 trailers delivering over 7 million parcels every day in cities around the world. Annually, this will replace 1 billion Km of the van trips and save more than 175,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

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