Descrizione del progetto
Rafforzare la capacità di ricerca sulla sicurezza dell’hardware per società digitali resilienti
Proteggere il software non è sufficiente per garantire la fiducia in un sistema elettronico: l’hardware, infatti, è altrettanto suscettibile agli attacchi e oggi i problemi di sicurezza dell’hardware sono più importanti che mai. Il progetto SAFEST, finanziato dall’UE, darà impulso a quest’area di studio presso il Politecnico di Tallinn (TalTech) in Estonia. SAFEST attuerà una strategia di rete incentrata su pratiche di test, ingegneria inversa e difese basate su hardware. Altri argomenti secondari includono gli attacchi al canale laterale e la vulnerabilità dell’architettura hardware-software. La strategia del progetto è volta a rafforzare la capacità di ricerca del TalTech, promuoverne la competitività e innalzare il suo profilo di ricerca. In definitiva, contribuirà agli aspetti di sicurezza di e-Estonia, un’iniziativa guidata dal governo per agevolare le interazioni dei cittadini con lo stato attraverso l’uso di soluzioni elettroniche (affidabili).
The overall aim of SAFEST is to enhance the scientific and technological capacity of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) in the field of Hardware Security, to be achieved through networking activities with its internationally-leading Twinning partners: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Technische Universität München (TUM), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), and Technische Universität Graz (TU Graz). To achieve its overall aim, the 3 year project will build upon the existing strong competences of TalTech in closely-related fields, to be complemented by the specific know-how of the Twinning partners. TalTech will also make use of best practices learned from its previous Twinning experience as an enabler to the success of this project.
To boost their scientific excellence and innovation capacity, the partners will implement a networking strategy focused on four complementary subtopics:
- Test for security (CNRS)
- Reverse engineering and defences (TUM)
- Side channel attacks (KU Leuven)
- Hardware-software architectural vulnerabilities (TU Graz)
The networking strategy takes into account the SWOT analysis of TalTech and has the following objectives:
Objective 1: Strengthen the research capability of TalTech and its Twinning partners in the area of Hardware Security
Objective 2: Promote TalTech's competitiveness through sustainable participation in collaborative research efforts
Objective 3: Raise the research profile of TalTech and the Twinning partners
Objective 4: Contribute to the safety aspects of e-Estonia
In order to realize these objectives, the partners will implement a comprehensive set of measures via the following work packages (WPs):
- Short term staff exchanges (WP1)
- Short term exchanges of early stage researchers (WP2)
- Organization of workshops and summer schools (WP3)
- Dissemination and outreach (WP4)
- Project management (WP5)
Parole chiave
- H2020-EU.4.b. - Twinning of research institutions Main Programme
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Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
12616 Tallinn