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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

From Social Interaction to Abstract Concepts and Words: Towards Human-centered Technology Development

Descrizione del progetto

Tentativo di gemellaggio informatico incentrato sull’uomo

Mentre la robotica intelligente svolge già un ruolo importante nella nostra vita quotidiana, è importante considerare la progettazione di sistemi misti uomo-computer o interazioni uomo-macchina. Tuttavia, alcuni compiti ambiziosi, quali il tentativo di tradurre concetti astratti in sistemi informatici, si basano su una profonda convergenza interdisciplinare. Il progetto TRAINCREASE, finanziato dall’UE, promuoverà la ricerca interdisciplinare in questo campo emergente, aumentando la comprensione e l’uso di concetti e parole astratte nell’interazione umana e la loro applicazione alla collaborazione uomo-macchina. Il progetto darà avvio a un gemellaggio che migliorerà il potenziale di ricerca e innovazione dell’Università di Varsavia (UW) attraverso la collaborazione con l’Università di Manchester, nel Regno Unito, l’Università Sapienza di Roma e l’Università di Aarhus in Danimarca. Le attività congiunte si tradurranno in maggiori capacità di ricerca e in una migliore reputazione e visibilità dell’UW.


This project is aimed at strengthening the interdisciplinary field of research on the emergence, understanding and use of abstract concepts and words in human interaction, and its application to human-machine collaboration. The main goal is to strengthen the research and innovation potential of the UW as part of European Research Area (ERA) as well as its reputation and visibility in the ERA and worldwide through the collaboration with University of Manchester (UMan), Sapienza University of Rome (Uniroma1) and Aarhus University. The three partners are especially well suited to collaborate towards the objectives: UMan provides expertise in computational modeling of abstract concepts and words in the context of developmental robotics. Uniroma1 provides strong theoretical background and expertise in experimental research, including neuroimaging studies. AU provides a complementary anthropological perspective and expertise in naturalistic research on the social dimension of abstraction. UW provides expertise in ecological approach to abstraction and in dynamical systems theory and methods, which has integratory potential for the field.
The objectives will be achieved by a series of joint activities logically planned to increase excellence both in the field and in the UW's research and management potential: Theory Building and exchange of Complementary Methods; staff, ESRs and administratiion project-targeted exchanges, including a novel scheme for hands-on training (Microtwinning); joint publications and joint grant applications. The Twinning will result in the staff's and ESRs' increased research skills in the field, which is envisioned as one of the most crucial for the cognitive sciences and its exchanges with AI, stabilization of the improvements through structural and curriculum changes, transfer of skills to the grant-managing staff and through development of stable connection within ERA and with non-academic stakeholders as a reliable collaborator and leader.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 445 225,00

Mostra sulla mappa

Makroregion województwo mazowieckie Warszawski stołeczny Miasto Warszawa
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 445 225,00

Partecipanti (3)