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This deliverable consists in a document describing all criteria and indicators for low ILUC risk biofuel certification activity to be carried out during the work package 1
Final Project ReportDeliverable 84 will consist in a report on main project findings results operating structure critical management aspects faced during the project duration and other most relevant performed activities
Options to grow crops on abandoned or severely degraded landA review on the best perennial and SRC crops suitable to grow in different regions of Europe in unused abandoned or severely degraded lands and what potentials these crops may have in the different locations An interim report will be produced and shared internally among partners within M12
The role of Low-ILUC biofuels in the future EU renewable energy shareThe deliverable will be a report on the activities performed in task 34 The report will consist in a study on the present and future role of lowilluc biofuels in the context of EU green energy and transportation sector
A low ILUC supportive framework for the three case studies including a transferability matrixThe Deliverable 52 will be developed on the basis of the outcomes of task 51 and 52 concernig the EU policy context This report will contain proposals for policy measures supporting LowILUC biofuels
Stakeholder Engagement & Dissemination Plan (SE&DP)This deliverable contains the project strategy for the Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination activities with information on target audience messages measures and activities tailored to identified target groups a time plan as well as monitoring and evaluation KPIs It consists also of annexes a database of stakeholders the Visual Identity concept and templates This activity refers to T71 and T72
Final report of WP5This Deliverable will summarize the policy assessment activity performed in all tasks of WP5 This document will represent a detailed overview of EU policy framework on biofuels and at the same time a proposal for new policy initiatives to be implemented at EU level
Report on the sustainability assessment of the selected low ILUC-risk schemes testedThe Deliverable D42 will consist in a report on the performed full sustainability assessment study performed as core task of WP4 This deliverable will be produced with the input of all tasks in WP4 but also of WP2 and WP3
Final report work package 1This deliverable will summarize all activities performed in tasks of WP1 The report will include the pathway and the methodology followed by ISCC during the 36 months of the project which brought to the development of the new ISCC system
Project Follow Up StrategyThis deliverable will consist in a report on BIKE project follow up strategy developed in collaboration with Dissemination manager and with WP leaders based on outcomes partners and external stakeholders feedback
Decision support toolkitThe Deliverable will be the result of task 35 the report will describe a tool for industrial actors and stakeholders for assessing the feasibility and operate production procedures of new lowiluc biofuels production opportunities
Main findings of the open labsD64 will summarize the activities onf task 64 which will focus on the organization of Open labs inviting stakeholders representatives of different sectors to show the identified best practices and foster the replication of the successful methodologies
Assessment of the frameworks and recommendations about enabling policiesD51 will consist in a review and assessment of present policy framework concerning biofuels and biomass sector at EU level n particular the deliverable will focus on recent and ongoing intiatives concerning EU policy on transportation biofuels
Provision of ISCC system documentsThe new ISCC system will be developed by ISCC with the support and the feedback of all ISCC stakeholders The results of the consultation carried out in task 14 will be reported in this deliverable
Potentials for increased productivity in European biomass feedstocksAssessment for low ILUC risk feedstock options resulting from productivity increases and crops cultivated on unused abandoned and degraded land An interim report will be produced and shared internally among partners within M12
Reports for the Good Practice casesDeliverable 61 will describe the activities carried out in task 61 concerning the study and assessment of the identified 4 case studies The four case studies will be presented in the report as examples and good practices for lowiluc biofuel production
Exploitaiton of lessons learntDeliverable D63 will be based on the result of Task 63 but it will also exploit the results of other WPs The Report on exploitaiton strategy to stakeholders will be based on the lessons will include the complete value chain and will also be analysed for sustainability and policy related issues
Final report on all the activities done within WP7This deliverable describes all the activities performed under Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination with a focus on the second project period accompanied by an assessment of their impact during the entire project It refers to all tasks T71 T72 T73 and T74
Overview of biofuels production facilities and technologies in Europethis report will consist in an overview of knowledge from initiatives like AFF SGAB BIOMAP IEA Bioenergy LSB47 and industrial knowledge and develop a study on biofuels production facilities both in operation and under construction
Final project publicationPrepared with the active contribution of all partners the BIKE final publicationhandbook contains all the relevant knowledge and results delivered by the project It refers to T74
Technology Innovation assessment of low ILUC risk system in the EU biofuels sectorThe deliverable will consist in a report with a review of low iluc risk biomass conversion technologies the state of development and the study of promising aspects and barriers of lowiluc biofuels in the context of EU biofuels sector
Report on the design of the sustainability indicator setDeliverable 41 will be a report describing the instruments the parameters and evaluation methods adopted for the sustainability assessment study in the activity of task 41 and task 42
Replication potential of case studies examined in BIKEThe deliverable will be a report on the activities performed in task 33 which will investigate the replication opportunities and the strategies identified for each of the four BIKE case studies
Mid-term SE&DP with related annexesThis deliverable describes all the activities performed under Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination accompanied by an assessment of their impact during the first year and half of the project As a result of this an updated plan of initiatives for the second part of the project is provided as well It refers to all tasks T71 T72 T73 and T74
Climate positive farming solutionsThe report will contain an analysis of practical agronomic benefits of different cases and further assess their potential optimisation through scaling up of feedstock supply
SWOT analysisDeliverable 62 will represent the results of activities in task 62 and it will consist in a report on the Strenght Weaknesses Opportunities and threats analysis of the 4 case studies
This deliverable is about the technical concept and setup of the BIKE website in its preliminary structure together with the launch of dedicated social media channels on Twitter LinkedIn and YouTube It refers to T72
Cato Sandford, Chris Malins, Calliope Panoutsou
Veröffentlicht in:
Applied Sciences. Special Ausgabe: Alternative Fuels for Transport: Recent Advances and Future Challenges, 2023, ISSN 2076-3417
Calliope Panoutsou, Sara Giarola, Dauda Ibrahim, Simone Verzandvoort, Berien Elbersen, Cato Sandford, Chris Malins, Maria Politi, George Vourliotakis, Vigh Enikő Zita, Viktória Vásáry, Efthymia Alexopoulou, Andrea Salimbeni and David Chiaramonti
Veröffentlicht in:
Alternative Fuels for Transport: Recent Advances and Future Challenges, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
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