CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Boost Of Organic Solar Technology for European Radiance


Organische Photovoltaik für umweltfreundliche Gebäude

Gebäudeintegrierte Photovoltaiksysteme (GiPV) sind Solarpaneele, die zur Stromerzeugung in bestehende Gebäudestrukturen wie Dach oder Fassade eingebaut werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BOOSTER will flexible organische Solarfolien nutzen, die für GiPV geeignet sind. Organische Photovoltaikmodule haben eine kurze energetische Amortisationszeit und nutzen Ressourcen, die in ausreichender Menge zur Verfügung stehen, leicht zu beziehen und ungiftig sind. Das Projekt wird den Wirkungsgrad der Module und ihre Lebensdauer erhöhen und gleichzeitig die Produktionskosten optimieren, um die organische Solartechnologie bis zum Technologie-Reifegrad 7 weiterzuentwickeln. Um die Machbarkeit des Konzepts grundlegend nachzuweisen, bauen die Forschenden ein selbstklebendes Demonstratormodul sowie ein in Textilien integriertes Modell.


In the context of increasing energy demand, thin film PV technologies contribute in reducing CO2 emission. Current PV technologies are suffering from several issues: 1 – the outsourcing of PV modules outside Europe, 2 – the large distance between consumption points and generating power plants and 3 – the use of agricultural fields by solar power plant. In this context, building applied photovoltaic (BAPV) approach can face these issues by bringing functionalization to facades or roofs with a small constraint on the building. BOOSTER project targets at deploying the OPV technology to the BAPV market. OPV is a technology that addresses the problematic of world energy production with an eco-responsible approach. Manufacturing OPV modules via printing techniques features a low energy-payback-time and uses resources that are abundant, easily accessible and non toxic. Additionally, OPV demonstrates properties (flexibility, lightweight) that make it easily suitable for BAPV. Recently, technology benefited from a rapid progress of performances with development of advanced materials. The project BOOSTER aims at bringing the OPV technology to a TRL 7 by increasing efficiency, lifetime together with optimizing costs and lowering carbon footprint. Two demonstrators will be installed to illustrated BAPV concepts: a “ready to stick module” and a textile integrated product. BOOSTER will provide an efficient multi-layer OPV architecture demonstrating efficiency up to 15 %. Advanced multifunctional barrier films will be manufactured to increase the lifetime to 35 years. With a large-scale production approach, efforts will be placed on scaling up all the materials and optimization of the R2R manufacturing line to coat all the layers with minimization of performance loss while targeting drastic cost reduction. BOOSTER BAPV products will be integrated in two different locations (FAU in Germany, ENI in Italy), where real-life efficiency will be studied during last year of the project.

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IA - Innovation action


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