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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A game change in continuous biosensing: Molecularly engineered affinity-based nanoswitches for personal monitoring

Descrizione del progetto

Il biorilevamento continuo va oltre il glucosio per un migliore monitoraggio personale

La composizione del sangue viene tipicamente valutata con esami ematologici, per rivelare le eventuali anomalie associate a malattie o metabolismo, nonché i cambiamenti legati all’invecchiamento o alla menopausa. Da tempo i diabetici beneficiano del monitoraggio continuo del glucosio (CGM, Continuous Glucose Monitoring) tramite un minuscolo sensore sottopelle che riporta i livelli di glucosio in tempo reale. Il CGM ha ridotto al minimo la necessità di esami del sangue ripetitivi, migliorando nel contempo la risoluzione temporale dei cambiamenti, alterando per molti il decorso della malattia. Il progetto CONSENSE, finanziato dall’UE, sta ora sviluppando nuove tecnologie di sensori adatte per misurare una vasta gamma di altre biomolecole fondamentali per lo stato di salute, per una medicina veramente personalizzata e risultati migliori.


Generic technology that allows continuous sensing of a wide range of biomolecular parameters could revolutionise patient monitoring and enable truly personalised therapy. Commercial sensors are available for continuous monitoring of glucose, but do not exist for other molecules that are important for monitoring disease status and treatment effect, including peptides, proteins, hormones, and drugs. The ambition of CONSENSE is to provide a game change in continuous biomolecular sensing by combining advanced molecular engineering with tailored optical detection technologies to yield generic, affinity-based biosensing technologies. CONSENSE will focus on the construction of biomolecular nanoswitches that translate molecular binding into robust and well-defined conformational changes at length scales that can be detected by selected optical detection methods, providing unique possibilities to distinguish between specific and nonspecific binding. While the applications for this new technology are wide and varied, within CONSENSE we will focus on immune monitoring in critical care settings, where patients have an urgent need for continuous monitoring related to inflammation and immunotherapy. CONSENSE brings together internationally leading pioneers in biomolecular switch engineering with research groups that have an excellent track record in biosensor development using advanced optical approaches, including two high-tech companies that have spun out from these groups. The consortium is completed by a strong network of partner industries and organisations, including four large medical technology companies, clinical experts, and seven SMEs providing specific technological expertise and training. The consortium will provide exceptional training to 15 ESRs, allowing them to develop professionally and perform world-class research that will fundamentally advance the field of continuous biomolecular monitoring for healthcare.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 062 479,52
5612 AE Eindhoven
Paesi Bassi

Mostra sulla mappa

Zuid-Nederland Noord-Brabant Zuidoost-Noord-Brabant
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 062 479,52

Partecipanti (10)