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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

NGI Research Goes To Standardisation

Descrizione del progetto

Migliorare l’ecosistema della blockchain europea

Le tecnologie blockchain e di registro distribuito hanno il potenziale per sviluppare un Internet più «umano» basato sui valori dell’iniziativa «Internet di prossima generazione» che riformulano e riprogettano Internet per il terzo millennio e oltre. Tuttavia, diverse difficoltà lungo il processo potrebbero compromettere questo sforzo. Il progetto NGI-GO2S, finanziato dall’UE, rafforzerà l’ecosistema della blockchain europea e l’eccellenza nella ricerca sostenendo molti progetti promettenti dal basso verso l’alto in grado di sviluppare e implementare tecnologie blockchain avanzate che affrontano questioni relative a scalabilità, interoperabilità e sostenibilità. Il progetto si baserà sulla tecnologia di analisi dei megadati, con l’obiettivo di attrarre e integrare ricercatori eccezionali nell’ecosistema della blockchain europea.


NGI vision is to re-imagine the Internet for the third millennium, which has to be an Internet of Human Values, resilient, trustworthy and sustainable.
Blockchain and DLTs are promising technologies with enormous potential to develop a more human internet based on NGI Values, but these technologies face numerous challenges that could affect its full adoption.
NGI-GO2S contributes to this vision by reinforcing the European Blockchain ecosystem and excellence in research by supporting 76 to 112 promising Bottom-up Projects [BuPs] able to develop and roll-out Advanced Blockchain Technologies [ABTs] aimed to close the scalability, interoperability and sustainability challenges.
In order to get it, NGI-GO2S will leverage on Big Data Analytics technology -provided by INNEN, company specialised on advanced IT search solutions- to scout 1.000+ outstanding ‘Blockchain Talents’ and in FBC -the company specialised in building communities around innovative technologies- to attract and integrate outstanding researchers in the European Blockchain Ecosystem.
An agile, transparent and flexible continuous 2-Stages Open Call scheme will select the best BuPs. We build on the experience that FBA -European leader in Financial Support to Third Parties- has on this field to make it simple and user-friendly, to allow committed ‘Blockchain Talents’ to focus on delivering solutions to important problems.
Finally, NGI-GO2S will deliver a one-in-all Support Program for Standardization of ABTs that will increase the capability of BuPs by complementing their knowledge and skills with world class domain experts in fields, such as security and privacy, DLT technologies, standardisation or open commons business models. NLnet, the entity of reference in Internet domain at EU Level, will provide guidance and mentoring to tackle these topics.
All this will contribute to turn excellence research into standards accepted across all kinds of application domains.

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Bando secondario


Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 527 365,00
00189 Roma

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 527 365,00

Partecipanti (3)