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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Next Generation IoT as part of Next Generation Internet

Descrizione del progetto

Verso un’infrastruttura di IoT innovativa per sostenere il settore industriale e i valori dell’Europa

È risaputo che l’Internet delle cose (IoT) sia stato investito di un grande ruolo per coadiuvare i cambiamenti sociali e la crescita economica. Per cogliere questa opportunità, il progetto IoT-NGIN, finanziato dall’UE, presenta nuovi concetti di ricerca e innovazione per affermarsi come il «motore» che alimenterà l’IoT di prossima generazione. Ciò ha inizio tramite la scoperta di una meta-architettura basata su schemi, ottimizzando le comunicazioni tra IoT/macchina-a-macchina e 5G/macchina-cloud-macchina, ampliando il paradigma del cloud edge. Inoltre, abilita sistemi di IoT utente e quelli autonomi autocoscienti tramite l’apprendimento automatico federato a salvaguardia della privacy e l’intelligenza ambientale, con il supporto della realtà aumentata. Infine, il progetto IoT-NGIN si dedica alla ricerca della sicurezza informatica e della privacy distribuite dell’IoT. I risultati del progetto IoT-NGIN saranno convalidati utilizzando decine di dispositivi eterogenei, compresi droni e robot.


Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the next big concepts to support societal changes and economic growth, being one of the fastest growing ICT segments. A specific challenge is to leverage existing technology strengths to develop solutions that sustain the European industry and values.

To address this, IoT-NGIN introduces novel research and innovation concepts, to establish itself as the “IoT Engine” that will fuel the Next Generation of IoT as a part of the European Next Generation Internet. First, IoT-NGIN uncovers a patterns based meta-architecture that encompasses evolving, legacy, and future IoT architectures. Second, it optimizes IoT/M2M and 5G/MCM communications, including using secure-by-design micro-services to extend the edge cloud paradigm. Thirdly, it enables user and self-aware, autonomous IoT systems through privacy-preserving federated ML and ambient intelligence, with AR support for humans. Finally, IoT-NGIN researches towards distributed IoT cybersecurity and privacy, for example, using Self-Sovereign Identities and interconnected DLTs to implement Meta-Level Digital Twins.

IoT-NGIN will be validated via more than 30 types of heterogeneous IoT devices, ranging from tiny resource constrained IoT sensors to intelligent, autonomous buses, drones and robots, deployed in one of the most prestigious IoT/5G lab (OneLab) and five Living Labs: the “Twin Cities” Living Lab in Helsinki/Tallinn, a fully customizable Smart Agri Living Lab in Greece, the BOSCH and the ABB employee-friendly Industry 4.0 facilities in Barcelona and Helsinki, and a hybrid field-lab facility focused on Smart Energy, interconnecting Terni City and EDD Eurolab in Aachen. Beyond partners exploitation plans, to maximize impact and sustainability, IoT-NGIN will push all results via alliances, clusters, SDOs and DIHs, including FIWARE, BDVA, and AIOTI, offer developed software as open source, and organize open Open Calls to engage FGPA/ASIC/fabless and IoT application developers.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 924 375,00
92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Hauts-de-Seine
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 1 924 375,00

Partecipanti (23)