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Industrial Residue Activation for sustainable cement production

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Report on Bauxite Residue de-alkalinisation in the alumina plant

This public report will detail the progress achieved in further optimizing and applying the de-alkalinisation technology to different BRs. At least one scientific publication is expected from this activity.

Dissemination Kit

The ReActiv Dissemination kit including templates and others as defined in Task 81

Report on waste inventory

This public report will indicate the key findings of Task 2.2.An intermediate report will be produced at M15.

Assessment of the implication of Bauxite Residue based products on concrete durability - Initial release

This public report will detail the initial findings of task 6.6 along with a bibliographic review of the subject matter.

Guidance on Bauxite Residue modification

This public report will summarize the finding of task 61 on the potential prerequisites for using BR in cement products at amounts above 30

Report on optimisation of calcined BR properties for use as SCM

This report treats the Task 3.3 activities and documents the relationship between calcined BR physical and chemical properties and technical and environmental performance as SCM in composite cement.

Report on BR calcination process optimization

This report describes the Task 3.2 activities on the tailoring of calcination process technology to consortium BRs

Optimization tests on vitrification of BR and behaviour in blended cements

This public report will include the results of the testing of BR at bench scale (at least one publication or conference presentation is expected from this work).

Stakeholders' Analysis Public Release

This public report will contain the general findings of D7.2, having removed any confidential and sensitive information therein.

Report on BR calcination screening

This report covers the Task 31 screening activities setting the stage for further technology and product optimisation in Tasks 32 and 33

Communication Plan - First Release

The ReActiv Communication Plan as defined in Task 82 will in its first release at M12 detail all specific actions planned for maximizing the projects impacts The final release at M48 will capture all actions undertaken

"Cross-Fertilization Workshop #2"

Cross-Fertilization Workshops will be organized under Task 8.3 in M12, M24 and M46 in order to align the ReActiv technological solution to new research findings through other projects and to define the starting point for further innovation after project ending.

"Cross-Fertilization Workshop #1"

CrossFertilization Workshops will be organized under Task 83 in M12 M24 and M46 in order to align the ReActiv technological solution to new research findings through other projects and to define the starting point for further innovation after project ending

Data Management Plan (DMP) - Final

The first version of the DMP developed under Task 8.2, will be provided at M4 of the project. Since DMPs are expected to mature during the project, a more developed version of the plan will be included as additional deliverable at M30. This new version will include improvements based on lessons learned during the first half of the project

Data Management Plan (DMP)

The first version of the DMP developed under Task 82 will be provided at M4 of the project Since DMPs are expected to mature during the project a more developed version of the plan will be included as additional deliverable at M30 This new version will include improvements based on lessons learned during the first half of the project


Formulation of Bogue Equations from Thermodynamic Modelling for Low-Carbon Dioxide Ferrite-Belite Clinkers

Autoren: Rahul Roy, Tobias Hertel and Yiannis Pontikes
Veröffentlicht in: Material Proceedings, Ausgabe Mater. Proc. 2021, 5(1), 124, 2021, ISSN 2673-4605
Herausgeber: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/materproc2021005124

Use of Bauxite Residue as Raw Material for Low-Carbon Ferrite-Belite Cements: Prediction of the Crystalline Phases Using Thermodynamic Modelling

Autoren: Rahul Roy, Tobias Hertel and Yiannis Pontikes
Veröffentlicht in: TRAVAUX 50, Proceedings of the 39th International ICSOBA Conference, 22 - 24 November 2021, Ausgabe 50, 2021
Herausgeber: ICSOBA

"""Prospective life cycle assessment of the European cement industry"""

Autoren: Maria Georgiades, Izhar Hussain Shah , Rupert J. Myers
Veröffentlicht in: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management, 2021
Herausgeber: 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Management

Co-calcination of Bauxite Residue with Kaolinite to Enhance its Performance as Supplementary Cementitious Material

Autoren: Arne Peys, Ruben Snellings
Veröffentlicht in: TRAVAUX 50, Proceedings of the 39th International ICSOBA Conference, 22 - 24 November 2021, Ausgabe 50, 2021, ISSN 2518-332X
Herausgeber: ICSOBA

Bauxite Residue Reuse through Combined Operations: Industrial Pilot Modules

Autoren: Efthymios Balomenos, Panagiotis Davris, Dimitris Sparis, Danai Marinos, Michalis Vafeias, Sevasti Koutsoupa, Stavroula Koutalidi, Dimitrios Panias and Ioannis Karnachoritis
Veröffentlicht in: TRAVAUX 50, Proceedings of the 39th International ICSOBA Conference, 22 - 24 November 2021, Ausgabe 50, 2021
Herausgeber: ICSOBA

Circularity of the Global Aluminium Cycle

Autoren: Izhar Hussain Shah , Rupert J. Myers
Veröffentlicht in: World resources forum 12-14/10/2021, 2021
Herausgeber: World resources forum

ReActiv infogpraphic

Autoren: ReActiv Consortium
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Reactiv

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