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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

High-pErformance moduLar battery packs for sustaInable urban electrOmobility Services


Ein besserer Akku für städtische Elektrofahrzeuge

Das Aufkommen von Elektrofahrzeugen erfordert neue Konzepte zur intelligenten Steuerung von Elektro- und Thermomanagementsystemen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt HELIOS wird ein neues Konzept eines intelligenten, skalierbaren und modularen Akkupakets für eine Vielzahl von Fahrzeugen schaffen – von mittelgroßen Elektroautos bis hin zu Elektrobussen. Das Projekt wird innovative Materialien, Designs, Technologien und Prozesse entwickeln sowie integrieren, um die Leistung, Energiedichte, Sicherheit, Lebensdauer und die Gesamtspeicherkosten von Akkus zu verbessern. HELIOS wird innovative Lösungen untersuchen, die Hardware und Software integrieren und dabei fortschrittliche Materialien, Leistungselektronik, Sensoren und modernste IKT wie Cloud-basierte Big-Data-Analyse, künstliche Intelligenz und in der Cloud ausgeführte Technologien des Internets der Dinge nutzen.


The HELIOS project aims at developing and integrating innovative materials, designs, technologies and processes to create a new concept of smart, modular and scalable battery pack for a wide range of electric vehicles used in urban electromobility services, from mid-size electric vehicles to electric buses, with improved performance, energy density, safety, lifetime and LCoS (Levelized Cost of Storage). Novel developments that integrate hardware and software solutions for the smart control of electrical and thermal management systems that exploit advanced materials, power electronics, sensors and cutting-edge ICT, such as cloud-based Big Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence and IoT (Internet of Things) technologies running in the cloud are investigated and implemented within the HELIOS action. These combined approaches enable: i) increase energy and power density; ii) enhance key characteristics like ultra-high power charging; iii) improve safety; iv) improve E fleet control and health management strategies to extend lifetime; v) create optimised EV charge and discharge procedures and predictive maintenance schedules; vi) monitor SOC (State of Charge), SOH (State of Health) and carbon footprint for each battery pack throughout its entire life cycle, which allows an effective integrated supply chain for the manufacture, reuse and recycling of Li-ion battery packs to be established; viii) improve battery pack design and performance with reduced LCoS, based on a circular economy approach where the modular battery packs can be easily re-used in a range of 2nd life applications prior to EoL recycling and ix) assessment of HELIOS solution effectiveness in different urban electromobility models such as car-fleets and e-bus fleets.

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