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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Management of chronic cardiometabolic disease and treatment discontinuity in adult ADHD patients


Zur Bewältigung von ADHS und kardiometabolischen Erkrankungen

Schwerpunkt des EU-finanzierten Projekts TIMESPAN ist die bessere Bewältigung von Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Hyperaktivitätsstörungen (ADHS) im Zusammenwirken mit kardiometabolischen Erkrankungen. Hierzu sollen verfügbare Therapieoptionen und Risikostratifizierung vorangetrieben werden. Beide Erkrankungen treten häufig gemeinsam auf (Komorbidität) und haben ähnliche genetische Faktoren. Zudem erhöhen kardiometabolische Erkrankungen das Risiko für frühzeitigen Tod und verursachen erhebliche medizinische Kosten. Zu berücksichtigen ist auch, dass die Erkrankungen mit psychischen Störungen einhergehen können. Die Arbeit des Projekts soll die Behandlung wie auch Lebensqualität Erwachsener verbessern, die gleichzeitig von ADHS und kardiometabolischer Erkrankung betroffen sind.


TIMESPAN's main objective is to advance the management of patients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) and co-occurring cardiometabolic disease by improving available treatments and risk stratification. Emerging evidence points at substantial comorbidity and shared genetics between adult ADHD and cardiometabolic diseases (i.e. Obesity, Type-2 Diabetes and cardiovascular disease). Inadequate treatment of cardiometabolic disease is strongly associated with premature death and substantial societal costs. National guidelines of cardiometabolic disease have stressed the importance of co-occurring psychiatric disorders. However, even though ADHD is a common (prevalence ≈2 to 5% in adults) and serious complex chronic condition, knowledge about appropriate management of adults with ADHD and co-occurring cardiometabolic disease is lacking. We will address the main objective using existing large-scale cohort studies and linked electronic health record databases in multiple countries with different health care systems. We also use smartphones and wearable devices to obtain novel real-time and multi-parametric measurements of ADHD medication treatment and cardiometabolic risks. The combined use of unparalleled data sources and new technologies for data collection, management, analytics will identify optimized and personalized multidisciplinary treatment approaches that minimise harm and maximise positive changes in disease prognosis and improve treatment discontinuity. TIMESPAN is expected to improve the clinical outcomes, as well as quality of life in adult ADHD patients with co-occurring cardiometabolic disease and also to also facilitates developments of new technological tools for advanced data management, monitoring and analytics for European stakeholders. TIMESPAN strategies to inform clinicians, patients, health authorities, and general public allow for a sustainable implementation of our findings (e.g. recommendations for treatment guidelines).

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€ 366 750,00
70182 Orebro

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