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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Ground-breaking roof tile solution for solar energy collection


Eine revolutionäre Solardachtechnologie

Die Anfänge der Sonnenenergieforschung reichen bis zur Entdeckung des photovoltaischen Effektes im 19. Jahrhundert zurück. Bald darauf folgten die ersten Patentanmeldungen für solarbetriebene Vorrichtungen. Seitdem hat sich die Technologie immens weiterentwickelt. So entwickelt das EU-finanzierte Projekt TilePlus aktuell das erste Solarsystem aus echten Dachziegeln. Diese gleichen in Größe, Form und Aussehen normalen Dachziegeln. Sie sind jedoch im Vergleich mit gewöhnlichen Solarmodulen und -ziegeln einfacher zu installieren, zuverlässiger und sicherer (<120 V Betriebsspannung statt 400 V). Das Produkt E-Tile+ entspricht den kommenden Energievorschriften und bietet eine höhere Leistung als bisherige Solarmodule. Damit ist es herkömmlichen Photovoltaik-Dachmodulen deutlich überlegen.


The overall objective of the project is to mature, qualify and enable a swift market launch and scale-up of our revolutionary solar roof technology with the overarching aim to become the new reference for solar roof technology in Europe and beyond.
Our disruptive E-Tile+ solution is the first solar system made of real roof tiles, having the same size, shape and appearance as normal roof tiles. These features, in contrast to standard solar panels or tiles, entail high ease of installment (40% lower installation time), reliability (i.e. 30% higher lifetime and lower maintenance costs) and safety (<120V operations vs. 400V), as well as increased exploitation of available roof area (30% more). With E-Tile+, 20-30 million roofs across the EU, which cannot be served with standard solar panels today, could be targeted to harvest solar energy. Furthermore, our unique and patented tiles contacting approach (plug-and-play and parallel connection) provides more power output (20% higher conversion efficiency) than today’s solar panels. The latter are connected in-series and thus suffer from shadow effects, high additional costs and danger (high-voltage operations that require specially qualified electricians). Hence, E-Tile+ is a solar system specifically designed for the needs of construction companies, complying with upcoming energy regulations and solving the current issues of traditional PV roof panels.
This FTI project will mature E-Tile+ in terms of performance, manufacturing cost, production yield and ensure full qualification of our product for its launch in our target markets, with a Business Plan adapted to guarantee a fast and sustained market entry. TilePlus project will address the solar roof market.


IA - Innovation action


€ 928 722,45
4879 Grimstad

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€ 1 326 746,38

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