CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Wake Vortex Formation of Transport Aircraft


Objectives and content This Eurowake program ("Vortex formation") comprise both experimental and theoretical Is intended to treat the early stages of the vor-studies wake. Aimed at investigating the formation process of a commercial aircraft wake. The following topics will be addressed: overall goal is to enhance flight safety. Flow field surveying Any lift-generating wing produces vorticity Parameters affecting roll-up along its trailing-edges which is particularly distinct where steep gradients in the aerodynamic Mutual vortex interaction effects micload distribution exist. This is the case at the wing tip, but even more so at the outered- Size effects of the trailing-edge flap if the aircraft is in Computational fluid imaging (CFI) the landing configuration. CFD modelling A wake represents a highly unstable flow structure which, in the near field, rolls up to Existing wind tunnel models will be employ become a pair of counter-rotating vortices representing high-lift configurations of ac The formation process, like most of the other dual aircraft, such as A300, A310, A320. Phenomena occurring in the wake, due to its Experimental investigations will be supported complexity and extension in space and time, by numerical studies. Still is poorly understood. The database generated will, for the first order to provide a more comprehensive me, enable the European aircraft industry to understanding of the fundamentals of the for- quantify the complex flow field at distances of nation process, a number of carefully select the order of eight wing spans behind the airted investigations is planned which will craft.

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