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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2022-12-23

Development of ultra-low-noise superconducting devices for high frequency detection


Detecting and measuring spatial and spectral characteristics of space radiation sources in the Terahertz frequency range belong to the most fundamental tasks of modern physics. At the same time it is the most complicated technologically, that is why it began to develop later than X-ray, UV and Gamma-ray astronomy. Besides astronomy this spectral range is important for atmosphere research to study thermal emission and absorption of water vapour, ozone, carbon dioxide, and other tracing gas concentrations. The observation of radiation in 0.3-3THz-frequency range is objective for different space missions, balloon and air-born experiments.
The main objectives of the proposed project are to develop novel types of superconducting Josephson detectors and oscillators at frequencies above 1THz based on a high critical temperature superconductors (HTS), Hilbert transform spectrometer with resolution below 1 GHz, low-noise HTS dc SQUID microwave amplifier with HTS pre-selection filter for frequencies above 1 GHz, novel hot electron microbolometer based on Andreev reflections at interfaces with noise equivalent power about 10-18 W/Hz1/2. Second stage of the project is natural continuation of the first stage INTAS-97-731 that was successful in development of basic principles and required technological facilities intended for design and fabrication of prototype devices for practical applications in radioastronomy, atmosphere monitoring, mobile communications.
The proposed second stage of the project is based on extensive preliminary investigations, gained experience, technological and experimental equipment developed during last years due to considerable impact from INTAS foundation. All these facilities and experience will be in use during the second stage of the project in the period 2002-2004 years. For fabrication of superconducting samples teams has got all necessary deposition systems, evaporation/sputtering plants, chemical processing, deep UV and e-beam lithography. Necessary submm-wave and microwave equipment was also developed and now available for all expected experiments. Participants developed necessary theoretical concepts and computer programs.
The second final stage of the project will improve understanding of sources of noise and mechanism of their conversion in superconducting structures, reduce the noise temperature of detectors, bring better understanding of thermal exchange processes in superconductors and normal metals at cryogenic temperatures, electron-electron and electron-phonon interaction in microscopic structures. Such knowledge is necessary to improve sensitivity of detectors in Terahertz frequency range and achieve practical ultimate sensitivity for prototypes of mentioned devices. Technological and design development will allow to optimise receiving structures, to achieve required parameters of sensors and receivers. A real need for Terahertz detectors and spectrometers in radioastronomy aeronomy and ecology and close contact with possible users is additional stimulating factor for this project. If in first stage of project INTAS-97-731 the expected top frequency of detectors was 1THz, in present proposal we expect to achieve frequencies over 2THz. Hilbert spectroscopy techniques will be extended to multi-junction systems, to higher frequencies and super resolution. In SQUID amplifiers during the first stage single SQUID amplifiers were fabricated, and second stage will bring integrated circuit with band pass HTS filter and SQUID amplifier. NHEB bolometer that was studied in detail at dc and at 300 GHz in the first stage, will demonstrate optical response in Terahertz frequency range in the second stage. All these tasks will be developed in tight cooperation of all involved teams.

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Chalmers University of Technology
Wkład UE
Brak danych
Fysikgrand 3
41296 Gothenburg

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