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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2022-12-23

Novel organometallic nano-structures in polymeric host matrices for photonic applications; preparation and non-linear optical investigations


The consortium is made up of 3 chemistry institutes (in France, England and Russia) and 3 physics institutes (in Scotland, Russia and Bielorussia), the participants having had extensive previous experience of collaboration. We aim to obtain organometallic materials with extraordinarily high non-linear optical properties for use in all-optical switching and photorefraction at telecommunication wavelengths. The objectives of the project concern the preparation and investigation of the non-linear optical and photorefractive properties of nano-structured materials based on new conjugated organometallic polymers including self-organised sol-gel films and mesoporous alumina membranes. The materials to be studied are based on novel chromium-containing C=N-conjugated polynaphthyridine type nanostructures and their charge transfer complexes as well as vanadium-containing pyrolised polyacrylonitrile exhibiting exceedingly high third order non-linear optical properties. Our theoretical calculations indicate that the level of fast cubic nonlinearities of the above materials should allow all-optical switching at laser intensities of a few GW/cm2 in a Fabry-Prot resonator containing a layer of the polymer as nonlinear optical medium. This will be investigated experimentally. Novel nanostructured materials will be prepared by carrying out the polycyanoethylation reaction within the pores of mesoporous alumina membranes and will be investigated by techniques such as EXAFS, SAX and TEM. The photorefractive effects in both the visible and near IR regions exhibited by self-organised nano-structured composites incorporating conjugated hypercoordinate silicon polymers with very high third order non-linear optical effects developed in the French laboratory will be investigated. A series of such polymers will be synthesized, including those containing metal fragments bound to the various ligand sites in the polymer and with sulphur groups in the backbone. A complementary series of polymers and copolymers containing Group 14 elements (Si, Ge, Sn) will be synthesized in the English laboratory. The organometallic polymers will be made into nanocomposites by incorporation into organic and inorganic matrices and mesoporous alumina membranes. The resulting materials will be supplied to the 3 physics institutes for initial monitoring of their optical properties, the results being fed back to the chemistry institutes for tailoring of the chemical structure of the materials to optimise the desired properties, in particular third order non-linear optical and photorefractive. The optical properties of the most promising materials will then be investigated in greater depth in the physics institutes. Applications for these novel materials lie in the telecommunications sector including space agencies.

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Universite' Montpellier II
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Place E. Bataillon 0
34095 Montpellier cedex 5

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