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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Nano physics and quantum field theory


The proposed research concerns non equilibrium transport properties of nano-systems such as quantum dots, and quantum wires. This is a timely topic, with numerous possible technological applications, and where fundamental issues of physics are at stake. This project is particularly interested in the influence on transport properties of quantum mechanics, of interactions, and of the coupling to the environment. While traditional methods are available to study these aspects in the weak coupling regime, most experiments concern the strong coupling regime, where non perturbative effects such as spin charge separation or fractionalization of the charge take place. Over the last couple of years, the author has created analytical methods to handle this regime, which are based on an interdisciplinary combination of techniques from mathematical physics and quantum field theory (perturbed conformal field theory, integrability, form factors) and from mesoscopic physics (Landauer Buttiker formalism).

These methods have been very successful in the treatment of the tunnelling between edges in the fractional quantum Hall effect, of quantum dots in the strong field regime, or the double and multi state problems of dissipative quantum mechanics. It is proposed to expand and generalize these methods to tackle several of the new challenges in nanophysics. These include understanding better the role of irrelevant terms in tunnelling experiments, and how they affect

measurements of fractional charges; developing a formalism to study transport and scattering properties of Laughlin quasiparticles; studying the effect of interactions in Luttinger liquid supra-conductor Luttinger liquid junctions; and developing a formalism to study environmental Coulomb blockade and its relation with shot noise. It is hoped that the support of a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant will allow the author to come back to France in the best possible conditions, and to jump start an activity in his field, by #

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