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CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE
Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-16

IRC Finland 2004 - 2008


IRC Finland serves as a focal point of the European transnational technology transfer (=TTT) supply and demand to Finnish enterprises and organisations responding their real needs. IRC Finland brings together organisations working on issues related to tech nology transfer and provides them with a European dimension through the IRC Network. IRC Finland initiates and gives services on concrete transnational technology co-operation projects and actively contributes to the development of know-how, methods and el ectronic tools for high level TTT. IRC Finland will be formed by a consortium, where Tekes, the National Technology Agency, is the co-ordinator and the partners are two technology transfer companies, Oulutech Ltd and Licentia Ltd, and the Finnish Science Park Association, TEKEL. IRC Finland forms a network, which has an extensive coverage of internationally oriented companies and research organisations. Tekes concentrates on the management and the co-ordination of IRC Finland and will co-finance partners . The main role of the partners is to provide TTT services to IRC Finland's clients. The activities of the IRC Finland will be integrated, as far as possible, in the activities already performed by its members. In-depth discussions in technology matters r equire a confidential relationship with the client. IRC Finland can build on this relationship and offer its services when the right moment for international operations exists. Tekes suggests an option to start pilot activities (10% of the budget) to dev elop IRC Finland for TTT activities with organisations outside of Europe. For each activity the Commission will be asked for a prior approval. Tekes will reserve an option to rearrange the consortium after 24 month of operation in order to assure the conti nuous improvement of the high quality services of IRC Finland.

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