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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-29

Self-hidden Bifunctional Organocatalysts for Organic Synthesis


The research project aims at developing new tools for synthetic chemistry, more precisely a new class of multi-centre catalysts (MCC). This approach markedly differs from those reported so far since the two active sites of the catalysts would mutually and reversibly protect each other via an intramolecular donor-acceptor interaction. Accordingly, the bifunctional derivatives would behave as self-hidden or dormant catalysts. Thanks to this methodology, a broader range of active sites could be involved and th e efficiency and scope of MCC should therefore be increased. The project will be divided into three consecutive stages: (i) design and synthesis of a few representative bifunctional skeletons, (ii) feasibility evaluation in a powerful C-C bond forming reac tion (the Baylis-Hillman reaction) and (iii) further developments of this concept including an original preparation of epoxides (a variation of the Corey-Chaykovsky reaction). This innovative project has a combination of fundamental and applied aspects. I t fully meets the complementary skills of the applicant researcher (synthetic organic chemistry) and of the host research team (heteroelement chemistry, highly reactive compounds). Due to its interdisciplinary character, this work should be of interest fo r a large community of synthetic chemists. The proposed project intends to complete the scientific training of the applicant, to prepare his own career and to favor the future establishment of european networks. The quality of the infrastructures and scie ntific environment should be emphasized, as well as the scientific and training expertise of the already well-recognized host team. Lastly, the collaboration of young researchers from a different but complementary chemical background should be particularly beneficial.

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