Periodic Reporting for period 2 - DECIDO (eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective pOlicies)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-03-01 do 2024-02-29
DECIDO supports Public Authorities, especially policy makers, in adopting Big Data and Cloud services for evidence-based policymaking. It involves citizens/businesses in the decision process, utilizing their experience to address their needs. Objectives include:
1) Guiding policy actors through the Policy Life Cycle phases, improving policies and utilizing DECIDO digital services.
2) Creating a web portal for collaborative policy definition, management, and evaluation using EOSC and external services/tools.
3) Involving local actors in methodological aspects, identifying needs and challenges, and generating data.
4) Establishing a DECIDO Data Catalogue for evidence-based policies, focusing on disaster risk management. The catalogue will be accessible through national and European data portals.
DECIDO enhances Policy Life Cycle activities by prioritizing feedback from policy-making actors, validated through pilot experimentation. The project aims to formalize a DECIDO consortium among partners to lay the groundwork for the EOSC Competence Center for Public Authorities. It also plans to leave Key Exploitable Results (KERs) exploitation to individual owners, with opportunities for commercialization, technological transfer, and funding collaborations.
Volontariato Torino (Vol.To ETS) will spearhead the exploitation of the co-creation methodology, promoting its use as a co-decision tool in finding shared solutions. The DECIDO consortium partners agree to bundle DECIDO Portal functionalities and offer various consultancy services, adopting different revenue models.
Main DECIDO platform tools include:
- DECIDO Survey: gathers structured citizen feedback in co-creation.
- DECIDO Co-Creation: collects user feedback on policy documents.
- DECIDO Dashboard: visualizes and analyzes data.
- DECIDO Data Catalogue: lists data descriptions and references.
- DECIDO Data Hub: enables collaborative data collection and analysis.
- DECIDO Data Editor: provides a simple data entry interface.
Complementary services offered include:
- Co-Creation Methodology: facilitates co-creation processes for emergency response policy design.
- DECIDO Approach for Evidence-Based Policy Making: ensures end-user needs guide policy decision-making.
- EOSC Competence Centre for Pas and Policy Makers: fosters collaboration between the Public Sector and EOSC experts.
In conclusion, the fully-equipped DECIDO platform, along with its interconnected tools and complementary services, aims to revolutionize policy-making by embedding data-driven and participatory approaches. It offers comprehensive solutions tailored to customer needs, particularly for emergency response strategies.