Eine erschwingliche Methode zur Messung der Luftqualität
Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels und der Luftverschmutzung sind zu alltäglichen Sorgen geworden. Da die Luftqualität spürbare Folgen für die Umwelt und die Volksgesundheit hat, ist eine genaue Überwachung in Echtzeit dieser Messgröße von unerlässlicher Wichtigkeit. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt AEOLUS entwickelt einen bahnbrechenden, erschwinglichen und kleinformatigen Gassensor, der die schnelle und genaue Bewertung der Luftqualität erheblich erleichtern wird. Mithilfe eines neuartigen Sensoriksystems wird der Sensor die Luftqualität, die Konzentration von Treibhausgasen und den Austritt von Giftgasen sowohl in Innenräumen als auch im Freien berechnen und vorhersagen. Das letztendliche Ziel besteht darin, erschwingliche, tragbare Sensoren auf den Markt zu bringen, die in zahlreichen Umfeldern zu einer Verbesserung der Luftqualität beitragen und sich positiv auf den Alltag der Bürgerinnen und Bürger Europas auswirken sollen.
AEOLUS, leveraging on the experience of its partners on novel photonic components (e.g. broadband thermal emitter, graphene photodetector), will demonstrate in an operational environment (TRL 7) an affordable, miniaturised, multi-gas (10 - 15 gases) sensor based on highly integrated photonic chips in the mid-IR (3 μm - 10 μm). AEOLUS sensors will be cloud connected, deployed in an existing IoT testbed, while the plethora of data acquired will be used to develop deep learning algorithms for chemometric analysis.
AEOLUS sensing system will demonstrate the calculation and accurate prediction of indoor and outdoor air quality, greenhouse gases concentration, and toxic gas leakages detection. The sensing system will provide many functionalities for the end-user such as real-time alerts, notifications, visualized reports and overlays while it will allow taking automatic actions where they are needed. AEOLUS will also demonstrate how user engagement can be promoted through its system, employing gamification concepts and incentivise the end users.
AEOLUS targets for a cheap portable sensor, tested for its interoperability, with many functionalities and quality of life services, targeting a very wide range of applications to ensure its widespread deployment. The proliferation of the AEOLUS sensor in the community acts in an exponential manner (leveraging Big Data techniques and Deep Learning algorithms), further enhancing the system’s accuracy and speed. AEOLUS sensing system is completely in line with its industrial partners' roadmaps and exploitation plans and it is foreseen to have a product in the market 0-2 years from the end of the project.
Ultimately, the acquired data and analysis will be made available to policy-makers and stakeholders, so that AEOLUS has a far-reaching impact in EU’s citizens life.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- engineering and technologynanotechnologynano-materialstwo-dimensional nanostructuresgraphene
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringsensorsoptical sensors
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesdata sciencebig data
- engineering and technologyenvironmental engineeringair pollution engineering
- natural sciencescomputer and information sciencesartificial intelligencemachine learningdeep learning
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